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They're putting up another sign at the Barrack Road corner of Gallowgate. Dunno what it is though, it's at pedestrian height.






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Keys and gray want fucking shooting for coining that term, i can't fucking bide it and never have, it hideous, fucking t**n army my arse, cringeworthy

Keys and Gray never coined the term Toon Army mind.


I can remember our fans singing Toon Army at games in 1992 when were in the 2nd tier. I first heard it at the Baseball Ground and thought they shouting Blue Army at first.

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We've used the word Toon for years, clearly seen here on the 70's League Cup banner in the crowd.


As for when they deemed it the 'toon army' I have no idea.




Also notice the mackem version of howay...

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Is all this stuff part of the PR guy? Look at all this empathy with the fans we have and love for the club by putting up token signs? All about keeping the drones happy.


Think its philanthropic organisation Wonga's latest altruistic act in its charitable mission to give the fans what really matters.


See also: Gates, Ridiculous.


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We've used the word Toon for years, clearly seen here on the 70's League Cup banner in the crowd.


As for when they deemed it the 'toon army' I have no idea.




Also notice the mackem version of howay...


When I was a kid, Newcastle as a city was always refered to as "toon" -  "you going in to toon for a look about?".  In the promotion season in the 90s season I started hearing "toon army"  I dont recall hearing it before that.



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I've just walked past it and it's as bad as you would imagine, it just looks horrible.


Went past about an hour ago. Left shaking my head in disbelief. Amount of fully grown adults on there is cringe worthy. Also "home of the toon army" is one of the wankiest slogans imaginable.

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We've used the word Toon for years, clearly seen here on the 70's League Cup banner in the crowd.


As for when they deemed it the 'toon army' I have no idea.




Also notice the mackem version of howay...



aye- but is that not ashington and surrounding areas as well?



edit- I can the remember the Toon way back but toon army from early 90s.


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They're putting up another sign at the Barrack Road corner of Gallowgate. Dunno what it is though, it's at pedestrian height.






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I saw it yesterday and it looks as tacky as the inside of a Sports direct store.


Have you ever been into one of those takeaways that has a wall of pictures of pissed people who came in for their kebabs? Well it's basically that.

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Them flags flags in the east stand, my god they're atrocious.


I remember fat Sams Bolton bringing them in about ten years ago, I used to feel happy because although we never won there at least we weren't some tacky, tinpot outfit. With fans so dense you had signal to them when it was time to cheer.

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When did the whole- slag your fellow fan thing start? I thought we were meant to be like one team ourselves not a bickering pack of idiots. Since when did it become cool to say doing one thing is better than another. People tend to be more interested in posturing over the fellow fan rather than supporting the side these days.


Look at me I'm too cool to not even go to the games any more.


Look at me I don't sing.


Look at me I haven't been to an away game in my life but love to put down the fans who do as idiots.



Fuck off and stop acting like too good for the rest of us prawn sandwich eating critics.



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