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Everything posted by Elric

  1. Aye, it's a fucking long old Champo season. Obviously this applies to all teams but injuries will take their toll. They won't roll many teams over like they did tonight.
  2. Nice to see the Honey Monster make an appearance, guessing their Sugar Puff boycott has ended. Edit: also front and centre rocking some weirdly-placed chicken fillets, there. Wired jaw incoming.
  3. A̶n̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶n̶ ̶e̶v̶e̶r̶y̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶c̶l̶a̶p̶p̶e̶d̶ "and we all walked up to the stadium together"
  4. More like Will.i.fuck, amirite? Lazy bastard, etc. Love Maxi
  5. I have nothing to add to this discussion other than to say: dude is fucking shredded
  6. Blimey, for such 'poor bait' there are an awful lot of chomps in that thread, 8 pages and counting
  7. Reading through the BBC commentary... literally no idea who most of these FM regen names are. And that's for both sides, although mainly Sunlun Also, get your "Boro fan in peyce" bingo cards at the ready for later: - "Your fans" - Best team we've played so far - Definitely hope yous go up this season - Fuck them up the road Etc.
  8. Dr. Cinik sounds like a twitch streamer or something
  9. Premier League officials trying to decide which team to fuck over with a dodgy VAR call, given both managers have been somewhat outspoken about the whole thing:
  10. Leicester are on the decline - their fans know it, we know it, Brendan knows it. Fuck 'em.
  11. Marcelino broke both arms posing for that picture, good of Christian and Clarence to help by propping him up.
  12. Never had a chance with BT, especially with two thirds of the studio panel being McManaman and Ferdinand
  13. Made the mistake of reading the BBC match report / ensuing comment section. Absolutely no mention of dodgy refereeing, not even an allusion to it, surprise surprise (fuck you too, Cilla, while we're on the subject ). Comments section was, predicably, AIDS. A mixture of Scouse "karma" comments and bizarre "I'm a neutral (in peyce) and Newcastle deserved to lose" shite (from what I can only assume were also scousers or other clubs' salty fans on the wind up). Anyway, my annual reminder to never delve into the comments section, about as balanced as RTG
  14. Elric

    Dogawful Officiating

    Well it's no surprise what the majority of tweets (I know, I know) with the hashtag of "corrupt" are made up of tonight
  15. Elric

    Alexander Isak

    If that's 6 inches, well... I can finally say I have a 6 inch cock ?
  16. It'd be funny as fuck to see our owners just think "ah here, fuck this" and sign a load of worldies, in answer to the corruption
  17. Elric


    "Top 7? NOT ON MY WATCH" - Mike Riley, probably
  18. Someone failed in their task of holding up the Isak paperwork; a few swift phonecalls to the ref and it's all rectified. Tinfoil hat stuff, obviously, but you have to wonder sometimes Enjoy it Jurgen, you cunt, we'll be routinely tonking you in a few years time
  19. A robbery in Liverpool? Well fuck me. League not even trying to conceal their corruption, again
  20. I've no doubt they're sound lads HTT but that sounds like medical-grade copium from the mackem, like
  21. I'm hoping there's some nuance to all this that we're clueless about, otherwise it's just fucking weird, as many have already detailed.
  22. Looking forward to adding Moahbrayuh to the greatest hits of auditory AIDS level pronunciations.
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