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Everything posted by Elric

  1. Pure corruption, you fucking scally cunts
  2. Tierney just seems like he'd be next in line of perma-crocked players that have darkened the club's door like. Despite the massive strides we've made, I refuse to believe our medical department is anything even approaching Arsenal's, and they haven't been able to get a decent tune out of him for any long period of time. No doubting he's a skilled player on his day but so was Woodgate. Can't afford to fuck around where FFP is concerned.
  3. Posters getting offered out, claims of Brighton throwing the match, already parsnipped as mentioned above... enjoy the champo ya cunts
  4. No massive fan of Citeh but I love watching the Spanish clubs getting smeshed like. Go sleep.
  5. Surprised that cunt Levy isn't in on this somehow, over the Alli transfer. Still though, inject it, it'd be fucking hilarious if they went down and got slapped with some kinda sanction
  6. But would this team still beat the Mags? ??????
  7. Now we wait for the Lewton Fan in Peyce "Yous will be up next season where you belong"
  8. Haha, fuck this. Gonna end up about 0-6 or something, useless cunts.
  9. Don't you guys dare criticise these hard done by saints. Ref is clearly biased towards Leicester.
  10. Leicester haven't had the fight put back in them like Leeds have, they'll get bent over imo.
  11. Have to win our remaining home games now. No pressure
  12. Blood's in the water now like, ATTACK Edit: nm
  13. These Leeds fans are utter wankers, like 5 more goals plz.
  14. The disappointment of the Arsenal match is gone from me now, we'll smash these cunts. They're where they are for a reason and Allardyce won't save them.
  15. Quite a character arc, from first to (what I assume to be their) last post Anyway, as for today... someone summed it up best (imo) that we'll get what we deserve. If we somehow don't finish top 4 it'll be because we fucked it, nothing else ?‍♂️
  16. Can we poach Brentford's set piece coach? Ours are so fucking wank
  17. Right Brentford. If you can't win - fuck 'em up.
  18. Hopefully it backfires spectacularly and they're overrun in midfield. And Klopp is attacked by a feral pigeon.
  19. Nah, it's clear they're gonna get these decisions right up until the end of the season, might as well derail their remaining games as much as possible. But aye, we can hope for both I guess
  20. Hopefully Fulham decide to go full shithouse and injure as many Pool players as they possibly can. And hopefully two-foot Klopp, give him something else to limp about, the cunt
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