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Everything posted by Elric

  1. Elric


    They're still not getting promoted
  2. Without sounding harsh as fuck, if Eriksen does play the midfield have to absolutely bully him, Big Jow reducer early doors
  3. Elric


    That first second or so man, what the fuck All the poise of Adam Johnson about to pounce on a child.
  4. Elric


    Well this is delicious, loving their meltdown on RTG
  5. Elric


    Was he just out for a kerry in Derham? Kewers glass, is what I heard Anyway, that "top dogs" shite - which I'd totally forgotten about - is 100% their invention, abnormal cunts
  6. Elric


    Cursed into supporting paedos for evermore - their staunch backing of Adam Johnson, to a man, makes sense now. Weird cunts
  7. Elric


    When their club has been wound up and the freshly-cleared land of what used to be the SoL has been salted. Nah, just kidding. Not even then.
  8. Think I'd voted a... 7(?) last time. Probably down to a 5 or 6 now. Some unfavourable results and we're right back in it, I'm much more confident after tonight's performance though.
  9. If we hadn't been so desperate for a striker at the time I could have seen us triggering Wood's release clause much later in the window. A deadline day bid, leaving them no real time to strengthen, would have fucked them. C'est la vie
  10. Elric


    Only the 6 pages for their thread on our match tonight - well, that I can see, what with their AIDS-riddled title conventions. We really have broken them
  11. Elric


    Yep, I can now laugh at this. So.
  12. 10 Men Couldn't Carry (Carry) Couldn't Carry Lampard (Cunt!) 10 man, 9 man, 8 man, 7 man, 6 man, 5 man, 4 man, 3 Man, 2 Man, 1 Man And His Forklift Truck Couldn't Carry Lampard (Cunt!) Big Fat, Big Fat Frank Big Fat, Big Fat Frank Big Fat, Big Fat Frank Big Fat Frankie Lampard
  13. Get the rave on Pickford you little mackem charva cunt
  14. Unless he's carrying some kinda injury he needs to start like, we're not in a position to be resting our best player(s).
  15. Elric


    I'm just regurgitating what someone else on here said a while back but it really is just "Clickbait: The Forum"
  16. He's an old drunk, fuck what he thinks
  17. Needs to clip his fuckin' nails
  18. Elric

    Transfer rumours

    I rarely venture out of General Chat / Games these days but whoever mentioned Wilshire... top bait, well done. What the actual fuck
  19. Aye, this. It'll be all to easy to think "everyone is against us now, fuck them all"... that's probably only 90% true
  20. Don't know why I expected otherwise but I'm sick of hearing commentators wank themselves unconscious with the "but... but... if Steve Bruce produced a performance like this..." spiel He would have done. Probably would have produced even worse performances. Literally no-one wants Jones as permanent manager. Shut the fuck up
  21. 5 subs massively improves FM Real life... meh.
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