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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Oh great, penalties. Robben better not take one.
  2. Was trying to repress that sentiment but couldn't manage it in the end.
  3. You know what, don't care about the Spurs-potentially-missing-out-on-the-CL thing now. The combination of Tyldesley, Townsend and John Terry has p*ssed me off so much that I want Bayern to win now.
  4. "He's saved it, he's saved it! " Shut up Clive.
  5. I've been on the phone to my mum for the last hour so haven't really noticed Clive's commentary tonight
  6. Bayern should really be 3-0 ahead like. The finishing has been shocking. (Gomez will score).
  7. Personally, I wouldn't bet such huge amounts. Are you really that confident of a Bayern win? Not as confident as few weeks back. But still.... I'm a risk taker and all of that. Well, it is your decision in the end. Just want to make sure you know what you're getting yourself into...
  8. Personally, I wouldn't bet such huge amounts. Are you really that confident of a Bayern win?
  9. I implore you not to do that. Why? Like je85 says, there's really no value in that bet plus £600 is a bit too excessive imo.
  10. I don't have Sky but it would be funny to see Harry's face if Chelsea win and at the same time, Spurs losing their CL place.
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