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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Why no playoffs?

    The St James' Park sign was put back up many months ago. Anglo-American relations have hit an all time low.
  2. Sifu

    Why no playoffs?

    Didn't think you would sink to those lows Mike. You're dead to me now.
  3. One serious question I'd like to ask is: "Did change the system at the start of the season to acommodate Ba just so he wouldn't throw a hissy fit?"
  4. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    I think drastic action would have been taken (that is, Pardew being removed) if it ever escalated to such a low level, ie. being in the relegation zone for more than a couple of weeks in say, February/March.
  5. Robben's reaction to that man.
  6. Never say never with Barcelona like...not with the second leg at the Nou Camp.
  7. Now, that was naughty from Muller.
  8. Dear Alan, Why? Who? What? Where? Regards.
  9. Hope people at work aren't giddy tomorrow. Would annoy the fuck out of me.
  10. Wouldn't be a bad thing if the world ended just around Old Trafford like.
  11. Normal service resumed really. I'm just being jealous and bitter that they're going to win another league title, and their fans seemingly couldn't care less. Superior b******s. The day they get relegated () will be a great day.
  12. Normal service resumed really.
  13. The FA are actually going to take the right course of action?! I'm not used to this.
  14. Pathetic is their middle name. Too true judging from their past Please do the f***ing right thing FA...show the world of football that you're not at all useless...
  15. Would be pathetic if the FA don't take retrospective action now.
  16. Good. Mind you, I have no confidence in the FA taking the appropriate action. Useless cunts. Best league in the world they say? Fuck off.
  17. Can definitely see Suarez getting arrested for something when he eventually retires from football. f***ing crazy c***.
  18. You're right about you being ridiculed for such a suggestion. There's no way I would consider O'Neill, he's done as far as I'm concerned plus he's s****.
  19. Because he put us out of the cup a couple of times? I would think it's his friendship with Dennis Wise. And his general cuntness for me. (Also don't think I've got over the FA Cup Semi Final as well). Is he a general c***? Always seemed quite easy going to me in interviews. Probably not but I just don't like him and I think my judgement is being clouded by the bit in bold.
  20. Because he put us out of the cup a couple of times? I would think it's his friendship with Dennis Wise. And his general cuntness for me. (Also don't think I've got over the FA Cup Semi Final as well).
  21. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Have you only been following us for a couple of years? The seasons under Souness were far worse. The Souness era was f***ing horrendous - this is an undeniable fact. The man was an absolute c*** and undid all the good work Bobby did. The only direction you saw with Souness was a downward spiral. This season does have some parallels with back then though - this season really is just as bad in terms of performances. In terms of the individual, I am by no means saying that Pardew reminds of Souness - the two are nothing alike, for one thing their management styles are so much different (and Pardew is a more likeable person). The issues with Pardew that's got me down about football this season are his empty promises (he's gone back on his ways/style of last season), his consistent negative approach/overall cowardliness (sitting deep instead of pushing on) and his apparent refusal to change - his inability to adapt during the game being an example. Our set pieces are a disgrace and any sort of fight/passion isn't really there anymore (I can only recall 3 occasions when we've fought until the very end). In addition, he's had a go at the youngsters, he doesn't speak the truth anymore in his post-match interviews (something he did most of the time last season) and does not take any responsibility for any of our failures. Furthermore, the fact that I expect every away game to go the way of the opposition and the fact that we're in April and we're still talking about a relegation fight speaks volumes.
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