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Everything posted by Beezeri

  1. We're against Man Utd, what the hell do you expect?! We weren't expecting anything out of the game, so lets leave relegation talk off this board until we lose against another team in the relegation battle! BUT...have you seen any other team perform this bad agains ManU at home I'd fine everyone a week salary for this sort of performance not to mention they're so overly paid in the first place
  2. I'm not but I'm shocked that we're not even trying...and the general team selection
  3. You reamd my mind...we look really really awful at the moment
  4. Soon he's not in the club anymore...can't really blame him thought
  5. This is getting ridiculous!!! Where's Enrique again??? Zoggy's being totally wasted at LB and won't help KK at all in trying to keep the lad here. Butt & Barton...OMG Usually I try to be optimistic but now it's just impossible!
  6. Given Beye Taylor Faye Enrique Barton Emre Milner N'Zogbia Duff Owen I'm not sure about Given as his distribution has been poorer than usual if actually possible so could give a rare start for Harper or even Forster. Enrique at left back is a must but can't see it happening as KK started with CARR ahead of him last time(maybe a language barrier?). We definitely need 5 players in midfield to gain some control of the ball at all and immediately push wide players Milner and Duff forward when in possession. There's not much point trying Duke up front as he's not going win Vidic-Rio at headers and his pace is just not up to the task. We really need to put some pace in a out play to even stand a little chance!!! Keep the ball on the deck(although Owen has scored his goals from headers lately)...
  7. PSV Eindhoven...for example Alex first had to gain Dutch nationality to be able to play for Chelsea(although he was good enough already and was playing regulary for Brazil).
  8. They must be dead bored with Hodgson's style of playing already!!! "Keep the defence tight and don't even think about attacking"
  9. Beezeri


    Berba is a class act but 30 million is a bit too much IMO. He would make an instant impact as he've got no player who can hold up the ball at the moment(Viduka maybe but he's not good enough at all and soooo slow). Maybe we should go for Berba's compatriot Valeri Domovchyiski(spelling?). He's very promising forward I think...and 5 times cheaper than Dimitar. I really like Mort's style to bring in promising young players.
  10. I'm not so sure...it looked like Ameobi diving instead of even trying to go for the ball! Get him offffff. Carroll would certainly do a better job
  11. We really need to move the ball faster as Bolton are only defending and they crowded the midfield totally. They are dropping very deep and asking for trouble but we can't gve thjem any with this movement! KK ned to take Shola off right away! Such a waste of space there
  12. Would you be wasting all your time on a club which only takes your money away instead of trying to gain some more from your other projects? It's pretty harsh to say that the man don't care about the club after he has invested over £250 million on it Mort is in charge and I'm happy with his work so far! And I'm even more glad that we didn't get Arry...I should go for another manager with attacking mentality and promising future. don't care if he's experienced or not as long as he'll bring the entertainment back
  13. In the light of the recent happening...it would be quite a risk for Pearson to play too defensive style! Even against ManUre at Old Trafford! I think it will be something "back to basics" like system with a formation of 4-4-2. We won't go for a single point...(I hope so) My preffered team: Given Taylor Rozehnal Cacapa Enrique Butt Milner Emre N'Zogbia Smith Owen
  14. Beezeri

    If it is.....

  15. I think it's a lot more about his style of playing...decent success with a boring style will lead into eventual sacking but if he's an entertainer...I can take it if we're in the top half and improving
  16. Good news IMO... However it would be so stupid to sack the manager and not to have a replacement lined up. A total waste of a good transfer window! Ashley and Mort seems like like very reasonable and clever guys so I'm thinking we won't go for Shearer quitye yet. He could be brought in as an assistant to a big name manager appointment...at least I hope so I'm so bored of the defensive football we've been playing recent years and trying to fix the defence which obviously isn't working. It's about time for a change...
  17. I'd be glad to see something like this...but won't happen as long as Sam's in charge Given Beye Taylor Cacapa Enrique Faye Emre Milner N'Zogbia Duff Owen Considering our current form...I can't see us winning at Stoke. A boring 0-0 is the most likely outcome but everything's possible.
  18. Yep...and our first team were supposed to win against Wigan, City and Derby too. I'm very bothered as Sam will probably play his boring 0-0 game at Stoke too as it's always good not to lose away from home, you know
  19. Exactly! Barton was a major risk in the first place and I never wanted to get rid of Parker. Barton did nothing to prove his huge price tag worth it. We are just excellent at wasting huge amoutns of money for nothing a la Boumsong, Viduka(his wage), Duff etc...
  20. Poor Fulham fans...they'll be bored to death to watch their team playing from now on! I've never seen a more defensive minded manager than Hodgson. I'm not saying he's not good but it's just the style he prefers. Maybe it's good for Fulham as their keeper Niemi said a month ago or something that they should be playing way much more carefully and not just trying to attack all the way
  21. No manager asks for 12 month contract because it means easier sacking and lower payment in case of this. Big Sam has a 5 year deal so we have to pay his remaining 4 and a half years salary to get him out or something near that amount(typical solution I guess). Managers can be bad but they or theyir agents aren't stupid. Significant improvements can be done in a short time period. Just look at Svennis Eriksson and what he has done at City but we haven't improved at all IMO. Just the same mediocre boring defensive football which obviously doesn't work with us as with Roeder, Souness and Dalglish. Sudden improvements requires money and Sam has had that to waste and he's doing it literally. There's no one single tactics and playing style which works with every team and Sam hasn't got that at all...You need to adapt your playing style according to the players available and not the other way round!
  22. Sorry for being a bit pessimistic but I think Sam will be happy to keep Elano out of the picture and scoreless so draw is the absolute max we'll be getting I can't see City scoring either so a boring 0-0 could be close. It's very tough job for any team to score against City's defence at the moment and especially Micah Richards. Even Fernando Torres looked average against this wonderkid
  23. We're way too counter attacking side at the moment. It works great against better teams but it's so frustrating to see us playing against worse teams as we're not even trying to control the games. Martins fits perfectly for Sam's direct style but he's just so isolated when he gets the ball... Sam's really need to evolve and try some attacking tactics but I don't think it's going to happen I'd really like to know what would the table look like if the games against like TOP10 teams is counted
  24. Sam is ruining another big prospect in Enrique as he's not getting a game at all...and Zoggy's being played out of position. Scary scenario but certainly it doesn't harm Charlie's defensive abilities(if there's any)
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