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Everything posted by Beezeri

  1. I think the stats are 95% true If there is some kind of mistake its because i might have confused some numbers,games,goals... Bramble-Moore=10 goals in 8 games Taylor-Bramble=9 goals in 13 games Best Partnership Ramage-Taylor=18 goals in 10 games Ouch Gooch-Moore=2 goals in 1 game Bramble-Gooch=4 goals in 4 games Ramage-Moore=4 goals in 3 games Moore-Taylor=5 goals in 5 games Taylor-Hunty=7 goals in 3 games Ouch Ramage-Hunty=2 goals in 1 game Taylor in the most conceeding combo and in the least conceeding combo, difference being he plays better with Bramble. But Hunty-Taylor partnership hasn't lost a game according to your stats and that's the main point IMO! Does that indicate that they can actually build some plays unlike Bramble just hoofing the ball up straight at opponent's keeper! From what I remember Nobby-Taylor-Hunty-Edgar back4 looked quite promising at the time.
  2. I Agree! Carr's been not that bad either considering he's playing out of position and Bramble(because I haven't see him that much) also which was the worrying part of the team at the beginning. BUT...Sibierski is totally useless out there! He offers absolutely nothing offensively and is just way too slow for our style of play. Couple of good markings at the defensive end on Terry but that's not strikers job TBH. Bring on Carroll for Sib and Dyer off for Zoggy. Chelski's been bad so far but I think we can hold it if not even grab the winner with more effective play in the final 3rd.
  3. For his sake...I hope he's back in Belgium getting some proper coaching
  4. I've got Newcastle(+0,5) @ 3,00 but it's not looking good at all anymore!
  5. Beezeri

    Today's games

    Goal of the season stuff by McFadden to make it 2-1 for Toffees... Chipped the ball nicely over a rushing defender from the edge of the box and blasted it in the back corner
  6. Pompey beat Man U only last week you know. Don't be too harsh on the lads. Maybe they won but two days after that they were defeated 2-4 by Watford!
  7. Barca-Real at Nou Camp
  8. Good call. Not going to happen if it's up to Roeder! Same as with Edgar...youngster impressed pretty much everyone so is there a reason to play him anymore? Nah...let's just drop him back to reserves
  9. Versatile attacking midfielder/forward Nani will be the next Cristiano Ronaldo! I was very impressed with him in his full int.nat debut against Finland in Euro qualification match. Huge talent and I think he won't have any problems adapting to English game but won't come cheap. We have had bad experiences with Viana before but he is different type of a player. Really hard to see Nani signing for us as there are plenty of better clubs after him as well...
  10. Beezeri

    Sami Hyypia

    Getting slow but still way better than any of our current centrebacks! Has something what we lack desperately, consistency!
  11. I think that today Roeder actually tried to change something by making those 2 subs(Milner and Zogy). Usually he is making subs in the 85th minute and today he did that in the 60th minute so he actually tried to change something Maybe so...but it was a left winger for another left winger and exactly the same with Milner for Nobby. Actually Carroll's sub was something of a change as he was forced to go for 3-4-3 but way too late...
  12. But the most annoying thing with Roeder is that he's not even trying to change anything when things are just not going our way! I'm quite happy with our defensive play in last few matches but when we do play defensive...our attack looks very weak and Oba has no support at all and vise versa. Very poor performance today as a whole and if there's anyone for MOM...it has to be Given once again
  13. Beezeri

    Treble for tonight

    Man Utd / Darlington / Kärpät(Finnish ice-hockey)
  14. Not going to happen with Roeder's team selection policy! I wouldn't be too surprised to see us starting with Bramble and Baba once again. Taylor just isn't a right back with his attacking and technical ability so why bother playing him there? Parker was great against Pool and no doubt he's one of the best anchor role players in the league if he'd just keep it simple and not trying to go forward... Yep...Dyer to be rested would be nice but Roeder picking Luque to start just seems impossible to me. Some of our regular starters should be rested like Martins and Milner but we got no backup for them really. Maybe not in an away game but it would be great too see Roeder trying our promising youngsters like Edgar, Carroll and Kazenga but I can't see that happening even in a return leg with 5 goals advantage or something.
  15. This could be our academy side as well...avg.age seems to be way below 20 if not even 19 I guess
  16. Great line-up...but just don't work as this Argentinian duo wants out and Curbs will stick to 4-4-2 :winking:
  17. Beezeri

    Given VS Krul

    How about loaning him out to a Championship side? Would get some very valuable first-team experience and that's never bad what it comes to developement...
  18. Martins good at holding up the ball but on the other hand he tends to lose possesion way too easy also. If only he would pass it a bit earlier...
  19. How's the weather at Newcastle ATM? I'm thinking about going for our 3-1 win and Over3.5 goals @ 3,65! blueyes.gif
  20. In that case...I'd be satisfied with Jankulovski then :roll: Petri Pasanen from Werder Bremen. Finnish international and a decent talent. Still young and can play at CB and RB. Before he moved to Bremen played at Ajax and once been tracked by major clubs like Milano giants AC and Inter. Would go for cheap I guess(2-3million euros). Definitely we should go for cheaper options than overpriced English talents. Eastern and Central Europe and Africa. Probably not South America as these guys tend to have big problems with adapting to English footie not to mention the weather...
  21. Just saw the first 35 mins until the equalizer and if it's only gonna get worse...I'll start watching a movie instead :roll: Ramage was absolutely terrible for whole start of the game and "hardly put a foot right" all time. Huge communication breakdowns throughout the whole defence but I think Edgar, Taylor and Hunty still did okay. As well as all midfield(especially Milner) and Dyer and Martins. I still can't see what Sibierski is doing for the team? For a big man...he can't win headers and he's really slow. Does some good closing-down but hardly ever wins a possesion in the crucial moments. Maybe we need a big man up front to finish the crosses from Milner but it's definitely not going to Le Sib with this kind of sub standard performances. I really can't understand this huge prasing of him here on the forum... This time Roeder got his team selection and playing formation quite right but hard to say more as I won't be seeing the rest of the game
  22. Did Edgar really play that well? Sharing MOM with Taylor and Dyer at the moment...quite a debut from the young lad or just a poor performance overall from the whole team? And I though Edgar was a defensive midfielder :roll:
  23. Cavenaghi's scoring record is pretty impressive in River Plate(57 goals in 87 apps) and at the age of 23 still has a future. Apparently has had some troubles at settling to more physical style of European footie due to his size. Still 9 goals this season in 27 matches aren't exactly a bad performance(depending on his role of course...)
  24. Beezeri

    Pierre Boya

    Maybe you should be saying this to Roeder Anyway...I like the idea of going for talent hunt with a lower price instead of just buying so called "ready players" with big name and even bigger fee. I know we're a buying club but investing to scouting network wouldn't exactly harm us I guess...
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