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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. Needs to slap a Donnay logo on that backpack
  2. Not a fan of defenders being captain - for the simple reason that they are the ones who should be questioning referees decisions, but that automatically puts them out of position when setting up to defend set pieces. Midfielder or attacker would be my captain's position
  3. On F365 his interview transcript refers to the 'gaffer' £50 says he never said gaffer
  4. Its been a while, but didn't Ferguson have a decent cross on him?
  5. I hope the 2 were Colback and Williamson, and there card is forever after well and truly marked
  6. We should offer Obertan, Williamson, Elliot, Gouffran & £8m If we offered that lot we'd have to pay QPR £20m. Bit low isn't it?
  7. Wasn't Dece a Brazilian full back?
  8. But then their debt won't be paid off? So euro takes the hit to oust them? Or is that not right? Its likely to strengthen a bit to begin with as demand for German Bonds (safe investment) increases in the short term but then drop off in the medium term as things settle down. Unlikely to have a major effect unless something happens to Spain or Italy or there is a major call from within the EU to reassess the Euro criteria. #BoringColo
  9. He'll be shouting that even if Austin has signed for someone on the 1st August
  10. Two key points - consistent and over a couple of seasons. As strikers will always have a premium over full backs, if Austin had another season or 2 in the premier league then yes £15m would be about right, as it is £10-£12m is par for the course. Having said that, with the money coming in from both the current and new TV deals, an extra £3m here is nothing
  11. Unless Branko is actually Debuchy
  12. We're using it to lure Yo Cabs back
  13. Did we actually agree terms with that Swansea Full Back (Taylor?) only for Swansea to then tell us to do one?. Seem to recall we thought we had met his release clause but Swansea turned round to say that agreeing that amount only allowed you to talk to the player and wasn't actually the release fee.
  14. As I posted a few days back - he runs around a bit and gets involved in safe areas, so of course his stats look good. Stands to reason that a pass completion rate will be higher for 5 yard passes then it would be for 50 yard passes. Colback's problem is that he doesn't affect games enough, he's never looking to get in behind a striker to support, he's never pulling the strings in front of the back four and he's never making dangerous passes. There have been glimpses of ability, but not enough to suggest he can improve much - and players like Colback in the midfield are the makeup of bottom half teams. Now look at Cabella, yes he's been very disappointing but he has showed more in terms of ability and potential than Colback so I'll give him more slack - for one more year! I'd love Colback to improve next season and show that he can be a key part of a midfield in the upper half of the Premier League, but I just don't see where that will come from.
  15. Bring him 'home', make him captain and build the midfield around him.
  16. Colback has the same trick that Jenas had - run around a bit without the ball or in safe places, but always make sure your attacking runs are impossible for anyone to pick out. Hiding out in the open if you will. Jenas had more talent and potential though
  17. I don't get it. I thought his hands were tied due to the type of player Carr was identifying? Yet this week he is after Cabaye, Remy and Ba. He'll be getting Ben Arfa in next
  18. I'd argue that for a French international there would be benefit to playing at a club with Sissoko and Cabella than at a club with no other French internationals, even if there will be little in the league placings of the mentioned clubs
  19. BBC - US investigating Sepp. It's all falling into place
  20. Couldn't think of anyone worse from that Arsenal era though :-)
  21. I know, but he might have someone he has in mind as a trusted #2. Hopefully it would be someone absolutely class who he's played with. Bergkamp with any luck. Or Wiltord knowing our luck
  22. I wonder if Liverpool are going to suffer a Gerrard hangover effect like we did with Shearer? There's going to be a lot of pressure to get him back in a management or coaching role, may impact on who they can bring in if and when Brenda moves on
  23. Slightly annoying that it's the yanks who are saving football - we're going to be forced to call it soccer in return
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