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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. Rooney will win despite being one of the worst on the list. and no Tiote!
  2. They'll be spending as little time as possible in Liverpool, well I would anyway
  3. This. Not a wingers job to be mr consistent, create 2-3 chances a game and job done
  4. Dunno, quite nice to have a class striker without the obsession of the number 9 for a little while
  5. Thought that at first, but on a bad stream and not enough of a reaction really for it to have been the case
  6. When I lived there I always thought it was the biggest little village in the world. They'll back their own to the hilt (well once they've finished robbing them on match days), but heaven forbid someone from outside the place mutters a single word against them.
  7. 3 match ban for every player who wore a t-shirt, spoken out in public or signed up to the statement.
  8. Would love the whole Liverpool team to be charged with bringing the game into disripute and getting 3 match bans
  9. One game I know, but it seems to me our best formation would have Tiote, Cabaye and Vuckic in the middle with Ben Arfa, another and Ba as a top 3. Shame we aint got the fullbacks to cope with that
  10. Tiote won't be sold in Jan for one reason, his value will still go up over the next 12-18 months as long as he keeps playing as he has been. Carroll was different, he was never going to be worth more than £35m. Of course a bid of £35m would tempt/force the club to sell, but not for £20m.
  11. Just a reminder that the game is on absolute radio for anyone outside the region.
  12. This weekend Simpson would probably get a game for ManU
  13. One hope with Tiote is that Ashley likes to maximise sales value. Carroll was never going to be worth more than £35m, Tiote's value will rise between now and the summer (and even summer 2013) if he keeps on at the same level of performance
  14. Not cooking Delia's roast spuds at Christmas in protest for the music. Should be an automatic points deduction doing that
  15. But imagine - by moving Tiote to CB, we could move Colo to midfield no problem. 2 birds, one stone type scenario!
  16. Lets all remember we took a team with Dabizas and O'Brien to the Champions League. Keep the faith - Perch may be Championship quality, but Norwich and Swansea will be fighting to the last day to not drop back there
  17. Pav Barton Peacock Albert Bez Clarke Lee Gillespie Ginola Beardsley Ferdinand
  18. I'm absolutely certain that Suarez is a massive wind-up merchant and utter cunt on the pitch, and it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest to learn that his comments were meant in the worst possible way. It's just that it's unclear enough that handing down a stiff punishment on that basis would be deeply unjust. But that's terribly shaky ground to be basing a ruling upon. The absolute essence of the matter is that what Evra (claims he) heard is not what Suarez (claims he) said, even though both agree on which word was used. And how can an English body be qualified to fairly and reasonably judge a Frenchman's interpretation of a South American Spanish word? Thats the way UK law is though in cases of discrimination etc I understand that it may slightly favour (for want of a better word) the victim, but here we have a victim who is kind of "clueless". Evra speaks French and Italian, so he'll sure understand a shitload of Spanish, including "negrito", but I doubt he'd be aware that it means "mate" or "darling" in some South American countries. That is to say, would he have perceived the word as racist if he were Uruguayan (or had lived in Uruguay) himself? Would Suarez have known this and said "negrito" knowing Evra would hear "little black man" (or worse)? The only sort of parallel I can think of, drunk as I am, is if I'd called a black person "niggardly", and he were unaware of the word or its etymology (i.e. it has nothing to do with the N-word) and had taken offense. It's more than ill-advised, but would, I think, be very unreasonable to punish. The sooner the better. This thread is doing my head in, and I CAN'T HELP MYSELF You've already stated that you know Suarez is a cunt and mouthy wind up merchant, therefore is that much of a leap to get to a place where he used an ambiguous word (particulalry across languages and races) as a derogatory term?
  19. But that's terribly shaky ground to be basing a ruling upon. The absolute essence of the matter is that what Evra (claims he) heard is not what Suarez (claims he) said, even though both agree on which word was used. And how can an English body be qualified to fairly and reasonably judge a Frenchman's interpretation of a South American Spanish word? Thats the way UK law is though in cases of discrimination etc
  20. Then you haven't understood what point I've been trying to make, or you simply don't understand the fact (yes, it's a fact) that your English sensibilities are not appropriate for judging Spanish. By all means, form an opinion for yourself, but it is not an appropriate basis for handing out punishments. Why do you think the police are charging Terry but not Suarez? Seriously, why do you think that is when Suarez has confirmed he said exactly what Evra accused him of saying? Is that not a confession? I'd love to hear your answer. Member of the public put acomplaint in against Terry prompting the investigation afaik
  21. Is it not Carling Cup next week and not Champs League? Bodes well for the Chelsea game mind.....
  22. Anyone mentioned that the ashington ameobi is playing right back for bayern tonight?
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