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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. To be fair, my point on Simpson and England last seasn was that after Johnson there was nobody else pulling up any trees. Now Walker, Jones and even Smalling ot a degree have stepped up
  2. Loved the fact that goal 1 was route one and the pen came from a long throw Loved Simpson taking the piss with the throw ins Were Ba and Jonas auditioning for a porno in the Post Game interviews? Jonas especially Delap had 13 throws last night, taking a total of just over 5 minutes from ball reaching his hand to letting it fly. No problem wiht using log throws, but there has to be a time allowance (10 seconds?) Overall great night
  3. Cabaye Freekick after Ben Arfa gets pulled back in the 5th minute leading to a red card. Ben Arfa then to sea it in the 65th minute from 35 yards
  4. Don't know why people want Sunderland to go down, the season isn't complete without the derby days. I'd have them finishing 17th every season. Wouldn't miss Wigan if they went down, ditto with Blackburn. They add nothing to the Premier League. After that take any from Bolton, QPR, Norwich, Everton.
  5. Dunno what its like but absolute radio apparently have us as their commentary today
  6. Hopefully the release of the documents will get us to a position where all parties accept their part in what happened and can work towards ensuring nothing like this ever happens again. Without singling out Liverpool as the only ones to do it, Athens proved that some fans haven't learned the lesson. Policing is better now, as are stadia, but there are still steps everyone can take to make things even safer. No more blame, no more cover ups and no more excuses.
  7. David Pleat lol '5 Minutes injury time, we got that right - I thouht there'd be 4'
  8. This ref will look to even it up I reckon. On a replay its a pen, but in real time looked 50:50 at best
  9. Not the right thread, but glad Kadar is at least getting reserve games and hasn't completely disappeared
  10. Just had Spuds on Pro Evo. Dawson sent off after 15 minutes, won 4-0. mind you I've also just won the league and have Huntelaar and Gignac up front
  11. Nah, he was just giving young Tim a chance to show off.
  12. I'd always personally have a goalkeeper as the first name on any teamsheet
  13. No way HBA should start, the biggest risk for him now is muscle wear and tear and/or weakness. Cameo form the bench this weekend, an hour next weekend and then see where we are
  14. I'm sure we've got a spare centre midfielder they could have, just change his name to Alain Smithe and we're sorted
  15. There's one thing I don't get with SD ot paying for the advertising - SD are profit making and pay tax, NUFC have been loss making and don't. It would therefore be better for Ashley to have SD pay for the advertising. There must be more to it then just using one brand to the benefit of the other, because the way he is going about it doesn't mkae sense
  16. I don't think it looks too bad tbh. In isolation I don't think people would be kicking up a fuss over this, its just a step too far after the roof etc
  17. Might stick a fiver on him outscoring Carroll and Torres combined this season
  18. It makes a refreshing change from the top 4 on Talksport when Collywobble is on, its the top 4 plus any team he's played for. His basis for the top teams is too black and white really (excuse the terminolgy there). Yes Forest have won one league championship and 2 European Cups, but that was over a 3 season period (in which they finished 5th in the 3rd season). To me that suggests a great team, not a great club. He also did my tits in the other week when he was ranting about not diving, I remember Collymore playing and OK he may not have dived, but he cheated in other ways by over using his strength etc. Again, he picks on one point and ignores everything else.
  19. Really think Perch will start at CB in this. Would love to pair him with Colo if true, but as indestructible as the demi-god is, we shouldn't need to be playing him (and risking injury and/or a card) against Forest in their current form to get a result
  20. Why? What's he on? 80k isn't it? Pretty sure we won't go much above 50k. Whether we should or not is a whole topic by itself. So "couldn't" is a misrepresentation. And I've no idea what he's on, neither do you. I do know that they have made out like Enrique, Barton, Nolan, Carroll were all on mega money that was unsubstainable and yet the wage bill has supposedly gone up by 7%. So what are the new lads on? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/chelsea/6990213/Daniel-Sturridge-could-cost-Chelsea-as-much-as-6.5m.html a) I don't think journalists know a player's personal financial circumstances any more than you or I do Why not? They have more contacts in the football world than me or you. Because it's a very private matter between a person and their employer and I think journalists just guess at a ballpark figure. And since when playing by the book in football is so respected? Agents are twats. These things go out in the open easily. I reckon theres a fair bit of bragging between agents and the press like, can easily see some of them leaking how much they have got for their clients.
  21. This is why they shouldn't do things like this. Comments like, 'criticism is one thing, abuse another' becomes 'don't boo me please'. And on the wages, it wouldn't surprise me if they are talking about the wages they will be paying over the length of players contracts and not just year on year.
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