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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. Sorry, you are wrong. I am an auditor by the way. Oh so your talking about next years accounts now? The discussion is about the accounts that are due to be filed in 3 days, I made that perfectly clear tbh. Yes what I'm saying is, if we set off on a path of not filing the accounts for this year, chances are the auditors won't be very keen to sign off next years. There also would seem to be little point in not filing them if we've managed to convice the auditors to sign them off in the first place, would there? Still missing the point. Never said they won't file them just they are under no obligation to file on time, the auditors won't give 2 hoots if they are filed on time or not, just as long as they are. Anyway there's no way you are an auditor though, coming out with stuff like that. Right-o Says you who thinks the only issue there'll be is writing out the fine cheque if they don't file them. I've never heard such a lack of commercial common sense. Given that we're talking about a company which was loss making with a turnover of c. £100m, coupled with the fact that that turnover post balance sheet has reduced to about half that figure, the minute they are late, their customer base, debtors, creditors and football in general will be all over them chasing money & reducing trading terms given to the club. Promotion means a massive amount to whoever is signing the accounts off in terms of going concern & the later they are signed off (if it hasn't been done already) the less risk there is to the auditors. It's basic stuff tbh, you'll probably come across it in the next chapter of your text book. Beat me to the punch, was going to ask how his exams were going. I'm 37 man been doing this all my career. They can send them to whoever they like, the major creditors and other important stakeholders probably already have a set of accounts, for example the European money league people already have numbers from this years accounts. You don't think the important creditors etc have wait and have to pay the £1 to get a set of accounts from CH do you? As its a private company now I don't think Ashely will really give two hoots about what the auditors think. They certainly don't dictate to the club when the audit work is completed because it is less risky for them. If mike wants the accounts early that's when they are done, if he wants them late that's when they are done. If the numbers are as bad as we expect then maybe he wants promotion before they are made public to prevent the inevitable backlash. According to you though on Thursday the whole of football will be all over Newcastle like a rash due to late filing of accounts. Hardly likely. There's no external shareholders to appease anymore. They were filed in early January last year, I am only summising why they are later this year. You were the one going on saying the auditors won't allow them to be late. Which is pure nonsense. And you still go on as if I am saying they don't have to file them at all. Anyway they have today and tomorrow to see if you are right. Are you guys charging each other for every post you make. I hope so. Don't forget to charge for any extra research involved too. I hope note, doubt I could afford Broadswords fees, at 37 he must have 15 years + experience so should be looking at a direcotr or partner fee from him. I can afford LLLO's 'bag of crisps' fee though
  2. Maybe if he was called Hughtino he might have more of a chance
  3. Sorry, you are wrong. I am an auditor by the way. Oh so your talking about next years accounts now? The discussion is about the accounts that are due to be filed in 3 days, I made that perfectly clear tbh. Yes what I'm saying is, if we set off on a path of not filing the accounts for this year, chances are the auditors won't be very keen to sign off next years. There also would seem to be little point in not filing them if we've managed to convice the auditors to sign them off in the first place, would there? Still missing the point. Never said they won't file them just they are under no obligation to file on time, the auditors won't give 2 hoots if they are filed on time or not, just as long as they are. Anyway there's no way you are an auditor though, coming out with stuff like that. Right-o Says you who thinks the only issue there'll be is writing out the fine cheque if they don't file them. I've never heard such a lack of commercial common sense. Given that we're talking about a company which was loss making with a turnover of c. £100m, coupled with the fact that that turnover post balance sheet has reduced to about half that figure, the minute they are late, their customer base, debtors, creditors and football in general will be all over them chasing money & reducing trading terms given to the club. Promotion means a massive amount to whoever is signing the accounts off in terms of going concern & the later they are signed off (if it hasn't been done already) the less risk there is to the auditors. It's basic stuff tbh, you'll probably come across it in the next chapter of your text book. Beat me to the punch, was going to ask how his exams were going. I'm 37 man been doing this all my career. They can send them to whoever they like, the major creditors and other important stakeholders probably already have a set of accounts, for example the European money league people already have numbers from this years accounts. You don't think the important creditors etc have wait and have to pay the £1 to get a set of accounts from CH do you? As its a private company now I don't think Ashely will really give two hoots about what the auditors think. They certainly don't dictate to the club when the audit work is completed because it is less risky for them. If mike wants the accounts early that's when they are done, if he wants them late that's when they are done. If the numbers are as bad as we expect then maybe he wants promotion before they are made public to prevent the inevitable backlash. According to you though on Thursday the whole of football will be all over Newcastle like a rash due to late filing of accounts. Hardly likely. There's no external shareholders to appease anymore. They were filed in early January last year, I am only summising why they are later this year. You were the one going on saying the auditors won't allow them to be late. Which is pure nonsense. And you still go on as if I am saying they don't have to file them at all. Anyway they have today and tomorrow to see if you are right. Quoted the wrong person mate, I've only contributed one line to this discussion. Anyway, there is one line where Ashley has been consistant, and that is the finances of the club. We've already had the one man PR machine Lambias pre-empting poor results and in many ways it's in Ashleys favour to release results showing how he has had to support the club once more.
  4. I would hate to be coordinating getting the Swansea fans to London if its an all sheep final.
  5. Looks like the Lord does indeed move in mysterious ways. Carroll to miss the promotion game and Shola/Ranger to bag us the goal to send us up. Probably a better punishment than anything the club could dish out. (He'll still get the Championship winning game though so I'm not being totally mean to the kid)
  6. Sorry, you are wrong. I am an auditor by the way. Oh so your talking about next years accounts now? The discussion is about the accounts that are due to be filed in 3 days, I made that perfectly clear tbh. Yes what I'm saying is, if we set off on a path of not filing the accounts for this year, chances are the auditors won't be very keen to sign off next years. There also would seem to be little point in not filing them if we've managed to convice the auditors to sign them off in the first place, would there? Still missing the point. Never said they won't file them just they are under no obligation to file on time, the auditors won't give 2 hoots if they are filed on time or not, just as long as they are. Anyway there's no way you are an auditor though, coming out with stuff like that. Right-o Says you who thinks the only issue there'll be is writing out the fine cheque if they don't file them. I've never heard such a lack of commercial common sense. Given that we're talking about a company which was loss making with a turnover of c. £100m, coupled with the fact that that turnover post balance sheet has reduced to about half that figure, the minute they are late, their customer base, debtors, creditors and football in general will be all over them chasing money & reducing trading terms given to the club. Promotion means a massive amount to whoever is signing the accounts off in terms of going concern & the later they are signed off (if it hasn't been done already) the less risk there is to the auditors. It's basic stuff tbh, you'll probably come across it in the next chapter of your text book. Beat me to the punch, was going to ask how his exams were going.
  7. He was a great player though, so surely it doesn't matter waht he gets up to off the pitch (/Andy Carroll)
  8. I never loved him, but I rated him and feel bad for him now. Going from one sinking ship to another... Parker's problem was that he wasn't good enough for a top premiership side, and that while he was here some fans were yet to realize that we were not a top premiership side. Parker's mani problem was that he had Nicky Butt or Emre beside him so we always had a central midfield of tiddlers who didn't really boss the game. Parkers main problem was that he either ran around in a circle with the ball at his feet and envariably passed it backwards or sideways,seldom did he slot a telling through ball. Plus he had a shit hairstyle. . Nah, Scott Parker's 60's Haircut was a legendly cut in the same vein that Beardo's Hovis cut was
  9. If (and its a big if) we are back to challenging for Europe in 3-5 years then relegation will have been the catalyst for it imo. Its a lot easier to make drastic decisions in the CCC than the Premier League. Owen would probably still be on our books if we had survivied, another 4 years before we could look to move forward then.
  10. In the last 5 years we've been in danger of being relegated more than once to be honest
  11. Can't decide what would be better Hull going down or Hull staying up so we can rape their asses next season
  12. Maybe Aston Villa isn't the club we should be looking to follow from then. I'd love to see Spurs's accounts, despite what they say I just cannot see them having a low wage bill and making a profit. Spurs 2009 accounts are also available. Turnover £113m Wage bill £60m Profit £33m (which includes £56.5m profit on player sales - Berbatov to ManU and Keane's move to L'pool were a chunk of that) Not had a full year of Harry impact yet though in those accounts (assuming they run to March or June??)
  13. Just noticed that the referee for the Forest game comes from............ Tyne and Wear
  14. And people think O'Neill doesn't know how to spend
  15. That really should have Xisco posing on the other side of the car
  16. He's turned the tanker around, time will tell if he has set it on th right course. I doubt he will be around to see the benefits that stripping away the deadwood, but I'm sure in 5 years time we will be a better position then we would have been if no body had bought the club
  17. I suppose though its important in rationalising whether indivudally you are willing to accept the mistakes whihc have been made were made in an effort to do something right or are all part of a plan to screw us over. It is fairly obvious that I feel that he has made decisions he felt were right at the time and has started to make some better decisions since relegation, and hence if he stays or goes I'm not particularly arsed - I'm more interested in what a new owner would bring to the table than desperate to see the back of Ashley (and I would be happy with a strategy of bringing in young players with hunger rather than plodders past their best). Others want him out come what may, and I do actually understand their pov, just don't agree with it!
  18. I would love to see your face when you go to sell that £15,000 car you bought a few years ago and expect to get that back for it. Players are not cars. Some of them appreciate, they don't just depreciate which is all that is accounted for in accounts. Not at Newcastle they dont
  19. Not watching it, but assume he is filling in for the left back rather than looking after his Centre Back partner?
  20. Of course no one knows if we'd have gone out of business if Ashley hadn't bought the club. But when he did buy it our balance sheet was insolvent and that means that someone had to guarantee to fund the club for the next 12 months or the auditors wouldn't sign it off as a going concern. If its not signed off as a going concern every secured creditor has the right to foreclose. So who was going to give that guarantee if Ashley didn't? I do, and the answers is no. ;-)Football clubs only go out of business when their debts exceed the market value of the club in a solvent state, and a solvent NUFC is worth a more than £75m. Things have changed now though, because the clubs debts have nearly trebled in three years and now exceed its market value. So do you think that a solvent Portsmouth is worth less than £60m? or indeed the much smaller £12million or so that the tax man is after?
  21. Bad analogy mate. Have you looked at bank profits in the last couple of years? But just think of the profits if they hadn't had to write off the loans
  22. Thats the thing though isnt it? We were running up substantial year on year losses and had run out of ways to generate money. If nothing had changed (ie a new owner or if Fred had got outside investment) then we could well be where Portsmouth are now
  23. What will he do, just write himself a cheque when he fancies the money back? Considering the famous club insider (who everybody is now taking his word as gospel) said when mentioning the 20m that it was an interest free loan. Loan implies he'll be getting it back one way or another. No it doesnt Loan implies that the club owes him the money. Whether or not they ever do is something completely different Have to disagree with you there mate. If he has no intention of getting it back why call it a loan. If you don't think loan means paying it back, try getting the same deal from your local branch of Halifax. So then each and every bank who was invovled in LENDING (ie giving LOANS) to the subprime market can recover all of there losses? Great the recession need never have happened!! Loans are not 100% certain of being recovered out in the big bad world, cash injections (as pointed out above) will normally be made as loans rather than capital injections for tax reasons
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