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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. they aren’t mutually exclusive. I love what he’s doing and 100% think he’s the right man at the right time for us. ill continue to love it whilst he’s here, missteps and all. doesnt mean I need to think he’s going to be here for another 10 years or need to believe that to enjoy today
  2. easy, enjoy the moment without worrying about what may or may not come down the line.
  3. Players and managers putting their hands over their mouths when talking.
  4. I don’t see it here, maybe in his next job. He just wont be afforded the time to move from where we are now to a possession based style.
  5. the last time they had to move from 1st to 2nd choice didn’t work out too badly
  6. even though it’s straight to pens you’d think that this season would find a way to put 30 mins added time on the end
  7. It’s one of those ‘if perving on Jen is wrong I don’t want to be right’ moments
  8. I reckon there will be a play for etikeke on loan unless there is a bargain deal for a Raphinha level player. he may not be at Isaks level but would be able to play a similar role up top.
  9. Was it us or Bilbao (at their ground) in the UEFA who ‘scored’ from a pen like this, and correctly disallowed.
  10. the type of player we bought is down to the manager. Howe has us playing a certain way and the players we brought in (in theory) fit that style. Jan and the summer will be the same. I’d love a proper number 10 or real tricky winger but they just won’t be on the cards unless the style of play is going to change
  11. I know he was a little bit shit but Big Dave Beasant got me playing in goal as he has the same (but misspelt) surname to me. funnily enough I was also a little bit shit bit knew how to save a pen
  12. pretty sure he never scored a penalty, certainly not in the top flight
  13. League Cup This year Whatever European competition we are in next year FA Cup the following year League Champions League I want to win things in the right order
  14. I'd start them both with the aim of 45-60 mins. Better warm up, get to feel the game intensity from the off etc. Seems riskier to bring them on second half. If Barnes is fit then I'd do the opposite though and give him 20 mins at the end as he's had no football for a long time
  15. It may only be a half truth, but I love the idea that VHS won over Betamax due to porn
  16. Im turning to the idea that finishing 3rd in the CL group would be the best thing for us in the medium term. Gives us another avenue for potential CL qualification next year. youd think that ManU will spend in Jan and improve, City, Liverpool and Arsenal are pretty much certs for top 4 and Villa can afford a drop off and still be in a strong position. even with 5th potentially being enough id like an alternative option to aim for
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