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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. more the wise not quite wide midfielder, note quite full back, not quite wing back and a real athletic centre half that we’d need
  2. I have a feeling that they’d be better as a 2 rather than a 3. we’d then need a number 10 and a move to a 4-4-1-1 or even a 3-4-3 type formation (we don’t have the players for the latter of course)
  3. Early days but looks like Liverpool will be top 4, chelsea are miles off and both us and ManU struggling a little for form. if Spurs continue as are then they should make up the 4 but it remains to be seen if this is a flashy run or a sign of things to come. Dont see Villa being consistent enough and Europe will distract Brighton. so basically if we get our ass in gear quick smart then there’s an open slot, but the same can be said for Ten Hags motley crew
  4. could see Murphy and Wilson come in Miggy and Big Joe. More of a 4-4-1-1. Bruno I think needs to play himself into form/partnership with Sandro. Possibly Barnes for Gordon as well depending on his game time with the u21s (assume he’s in the squad)
  5. fish and chips on the NE coast hands down beat fish and chips from anywhere else. and the seagulls know it!
  6. he’s a David James regen. as likely to make a series of superb stops to win you a game as he is to be at fault for some pretty basic goals
  7. I would have thought it may be different here. MG has a contract worth x£m over a defined period so if it was terminated illegally he would sue for the full value. Possibly outside employment laws/claims employee contracts are open ended (usually) so there is no total value to it
  8. Did Fati sign in time to play on this? Announcement was after one wasn’t it and registrations need to be by 12?
  9. down in south wales where every kid seems to be in Liverpool or Man U shirts my 5 year old got his full u6 team shouting ‘Newcastle, Newcastle’. Warms the cockles of the heart that kind of thing
  10. Agree with this, and for this season I don't think there is any real difference to finishing second or third in the group. Finish second and get to experience at least 2 knockout games Finish third get a chance to go deeper into a tough European tournament. all good for getting some real top leave experience in the lads legs and Howe's psyche
  11. rather have them beat everyone in our group and finish second then get them first knockout round
  12. Tempted to stick a fiver on Bruce being in charge there by Christmas. they can’t afford to sack Dyche and pay for an in work manager to leave their job. Rice will be paid in Sayers sausage rolls
  13. Couple of weeks = one game does it not?
  14. Im seeing a lot of the Juve shirts on holiday and unpopular opinion alert…… it’s quite grown on me (not that I’d want it for us, but maybe that style as a one off)
  15. Murphy to score and bring out the rocking baby celebration. Klopp to act like a big baby
  16. unless they see Barnes being the 1st choice left winger and Gordon being an option across the front 3 (and maybe even in midfield in an emergency). or Howe could be planning a change to formation and bringing in players who can fit into the current and any future plan.
  17. it’s also more fun this way. alternative universe we do a Chelsea and spend a billion quid over a year then win the quadruple this season. It would never be as much fun again due to (a) expectations and (b) what else is there to do? were going to build and compete in every game and every season now, getting better all the time. There’s at least 3-5 years of this before we become as boring as City (being a machine not necessarily the style of play)
  18. I was thinking that if our midfield trio turn it on at the weekend then the poor guys pl career could be over before it starts. basically I want the Neil Cox treatment x3
  19. we’ve just bought a very highly rated young left back who will displace Burn. We haven’t played a single minute since he signed so a little harsh to include left back as a missed position
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