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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. ITK's are saying that Spurs will announce next week (when the Premiership season has ended) that Bent will be joining when the window opens. £8/9m is what they're saying. How accurate that is we'll find out next week. Why would they wait till next week though? You can sign a player whenever you want, the transfer just gets finalised in the next window. I'd have thought something like this would be in all the papers now if it was signed sealed and awaiting delivery
  2. Solid back 3 you have there... Don't forget the 2 wingers (one getting on a bit, one in huff) supporting them! Feeling in a sadistic mood this week, fancied a laugh on Sunday
  3. If we sell Owen for £9mil and remove £100k per week from the wage bill and Luque goes on Loan saving £20-40k per week (depending on the arrangement), and then we get in Darren Bent for £8-10m on £30k per week its a good deal for the club. I'd even cosider someone like Anelka (being quick, has a footballing brain and knows where the goal is) for the right price as a replacement. Fit Owen = 20 goals a season Fit Bent = 15 goals a season (12 this season in a relegated team) Would Owen be fit for long enough to get 20 goals though? Darren Bent - the next Les Ferdinand!
  4. Harper Gooch, Ramage, Bramble Solano Zoggy Parker, Butt Milner Owen, Martins Why not try something new!
  5. http://www.football365.com/story/0,17033,8652_2116476,00.html Staying at PSV
  6. You seriously think Liverpool didn't get any luck in winning the Chmpions League?
  7. On Metro news now Sven, Houllier and Sam interested Nothing new, no quotes or owt
  8. Its a disgrace that Wembley is going to be loaned out to a club for 2-3 years. Completely devalues it as a stage for cup finals etc. What happens if Spurs get to a cup final/ FA cup semi final. Are we going to move the game to Cardiff or Old Trafford to remain neutral? They should ground share with Charlton, the addicks could do with the extra revenue
  9. first of all he says we have no chance getting hiddink in, but then says we have a chance of getting the likes of lippi, hitzfeld etc. Poor comparison there. Hiddink is unofficially on the Chelsea payroll, not a chance of him going anywhere. again, you know this how? OK, got me - just putting 2 and 2 together from the multiple stories in the majority of the papers that Roman was funding the Russia managers post if they got Hiddink in. I can't prove it, you can't disprove it, lets leave it as an unsubstantiated rumour
  10. Poor comparisi first of all he says we have no chance getting hiddink in, but then says we have a chance of getting the likes of lippi, hitzfeld etc. Poor comparison there. Hiddink is unofficially on the Chelsea payroll, not a chance of him going anywhere.
  11. Bjarni Gudjonsson? Its blatently Shearer after Botox and a new wig
  12. What? Bringing on a twelfth man without the officials noticing you mean? Even better is switching from 9 men to 12 men. Coach HTT must have graduated from the Souness school of tactical know how
  13. I might be wrong, but I thought that if news broke when the LSE was closed, they simply have to notify once it is open. I'm fairly sure we are AIM listed nyway, lot less stringent on the rules in there
  14. Do you reckon that the only person who hasn't heard yet is Glenn? Edit: The sacking version of dumping by text - sacking via message board rumour
  15. Courtney coming up soon on talksport. Expecting a good game here
  16. Hairy hands. Never trust a man with hairy hands!
  17. We announced the Duff signing on a Saturday. Bobby went on a Bank Holiday. The stock market excuse is just a convenient one for Fred when he wants to dely things
  18. Well at least I learnt that Birmingham are having an ope top bus parade
  19. 'Its a good day to bury embarrasing news' as far as Fred goes anyway. Also the pies went off after today so needed to get them eaten today
  20. So if he does go oin he nex couple of hours DJ Spoony gets to deliver the news. Joke football pundit on a joke club.
  21. All the best to Bobby, if ever a man did not deserve the luck he is served up its this legend.
  22. Or Roeder. I don't know how much stick people away from Newcastle are getting but I'm getting quite a bit. I do. I live in Birmingham and people think we are a joke at the minute I spend a bit of time near you and have had stick off Villa, Birmingham, Wolves, Derby, Man U and Liverpool fans, the worst though was a Sheff Wed fan taking the piss on Monday night in the pub. hope you give it back based on fact,o'neill set the league alight this year hasn't he,outspent us to get there aswell (i think). thats why what isn't a story at other clubs is headlines for us...cos our fans lap it up and go over the top on everything. i work with many boro fans and mackems,plus the usual glory hunting mix,all i need to do is stand back and look at thesituation as a neutral,then argue on the facts Got Swansea fans taking the piss down here. Now that's embarrasing!
  23. Sylvain Distin is the in the top 4 centre halves outside the top 4 of the premiership. In the premiership. IMO. If that makes sense. (The other 3 are King, Yobo and Campbell, what order you wanna put em in is meh) Woodgate? Ben Haim? Bramble? Bastard. NSG beat me to it
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