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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. The 5th place season he and Tiote regularly controlled games over a 3 man midfield
  2. I guess the Lukaku and Stones sales will help with FFP rules
  3. So essentially 21m disappeared in to the void of a balance sheet despite the physical assets still being on the books Technically disappeared off the balance sheet
  4. Take away the £20m bit and the last few ages could be a copy and paste from when we signed Ba
  5. Wrong or right, that write off was definitely used as an accounting trick to hide how much should have been available It was a pretty poor trick then as it was 100% out in the open, mentioned in the release of the accounts and clearly referenced as such. It's not a particularly complicated treatment either so not something to use to bamboozle people
  6. Not linking this to PIF still being in discussions behind the scenes but how serious are the Saudis into getting into Football? I can see them hitting problems in France due to PSG's owners, Germany is a no go and how receptive would the Spanish FA be to someone breaking up the Barca/Real duopoly? This really leaves the Premier League as the best route for them so could it be that there will be some form of an offshoot of PIF being put together in the background who will then come back in for us or another club? Edit, Italy obviously are a route that I forgot about when coming up with this hypothesis!
  7. Now come on, people are Bounty put on weight for a Galaxy of Reisens while they've had some TimeOut due to lockdown, really Mars our reputation when everyone Snickers over photos like these. Aye. It's no Picnic being the size of a Double Decker. Body fascism. If we're handing out insults for being fat, let's have a go at him. Look at him! At least start on him, then move onto Brucie... Still a better look than his jeans
  8. I'd still love Mitrovic back here. And what an inch perfect pass by Merino for the first goal
  9. Just imagine the joy Shearer must have felt when that free kick went in
  10. Fuck me, another 17 weeks stalemate! Or Masters going Fuck This, get Stavely back through the door and get this done
  11. I've a chance of hospitality with either of them so bring it on afaic
  12. So takeover is still on, Poch has apparently turned us down. Rafa is coming back, I can feel it in my bones/r
  13. Or they have heard something to suggest the PL are about to pass it and are putting out noise in an attempt to derail
  14. Surely if the PL act on political pressure then they are in direct conflict with FIFA and UEFA who prohibit any political involvement in football? There's just so many what ifs for both sides of the decision so the PL really do need to take their checklist and go through each question as it's written and we either tick the box or we don't. Anything else just leads to court
  15. So much effort in getting the capitalisation right but forgot the spacing. 5/10
  16. She helped broker the deal which made Man City the richest club in the world. She came to buy us and was forced into playing Ashley’s game, ultimately seeing his toys being thrown out of the pram, and her being personally insulted publicly. She then came back with even big investors which would make Newcastle 10 times as rich as the Man City deal she brokered (at least on paper). She has met with local MP’s, councillors, and land owners about developing areas of Newcastle. She has met with fans groups to talk to them about how they think the club should be ran. She is a in a high court battle with Barclays where she claims she is owned over £1bn. You don’t get to go to the high court for a case like that unless both your very expensive and very good lawyers, and the very experienced judge think you have a realistic chance of winning. Why is she no longer credible? Is it because this test is taking a long time? That’s not her fault, you need to knock on the Premier League’s door for that one. Is it because she has said to Caulkin that she thinks there will be a positive outcome and it will be approved? The D&O test maybe taking some time, but she’s not been wrong so far has she? If Staveley's ideas and visions were coming from a chap called Kevin with a slightly dodgy mullet or a guy called Rafa with a nice pair of glasses the drool emoji would be out in force. It's exactly the type of owner we need
  17. Not quite right.. There are taxes involved on any profit MA makes. The tweet is bullshit mind, HMRC wouldn't be involved yet but they do have an interest later
  18. So I need a Watford Win tomorrow, Villa to get a point against Arsenal, Man U to turn West ham over and then a final day shoot out between West Ham and Villa. Can see Bournemouth getting 6 points which takes there GD to a worst case scenario of -23. If I get Watford's win tomorrow but they then lose their last 2 it puts them on -23 at best. Both on 37 points So it's likely that the current bottom 3 are the 3 to go but those mix of fixtures could easily see one of West Ham or Watford drop. I wouldn't put much money on it. Despite the win today I see Leicester miss out on the top 4 with Chelsea turning Liverpool over to clinch their place and Man U winning on the last day edit - being daft with Watford there. the -23 assumed a 1-0 win tomorrow when of course it could be anything.
  19. I can't remember ASM taking unrealistic pot shots in previous games. Yes he's not afraid to shoot but not just for the sake of it. Almost as if he'd been told that Loris has a weakness for long shots and to shoot on sight by someone
  20. That's the face and point my 1 year old makes when he wants something
  21. Dubravka Lascelles, Fernandez, Schar Manquillo, Ritchie Benteleb, Shelvey Atsu Joelinton Gayle What a team!
  22. We're Ashley's Newcastle, what else is supposed to drive us? There'll never really be a final revenge, I'll probably always want them to be shit. Having them laugh at us, celebrating, at Villa Park, can't imagine it'll ever not be satisfying seeing their club going down. What is football about if not bitterness and grudges? Exactly this. I have wished ill will of them ever since that awful day. I can understand opposing fans taking the piss during the game, but it was all way too premeditated and organised. They'd gone to the trouble of making banners. It was a bit weird. It's not as though there was any bad blood between us, or we were local rivals. I reckon any team outside of the top 4-6 would have done the same. We were a big club going down having lost Keegan and hired Shearer in the same season. Basically the 2 people most of our fans idolise the most. We were ripe for the banners and mickey taking that day. We had our revenge, and Villa have suffered as much, if not more than we have since then. I'm all for taking the mick out of them if they go down again, but I'd so prefer it to be West Ham to drop (for reasons no better than most fans enjoying us go down)
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