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Everything posted by Numbers

  1. Please, please don't let us go into the season with Wood as an option, hes slower than that fucking tanker that got stuck in the Suez Canal.
  2. Wood has served his purpose, we cant seriously take him into next season.
  3. The fucks with the Metal music on NUFC tv, just burst my fucking ear drum
  4. Miggy seems a lot more clinical like, for the second goal he's just going for a shot on target, in the past he would be taking 2 or 3 more touches.
  5. Does this count as a cup game, can we give the owners pelters on twitter if we lose?
  6. Had one two or three years ago that came with a vpn not sure if thats still a thing.
  7. How much money was it and what would be the potential interest accrued, this stinks a bit to me like.
  8. If PIF wanted to say spend 100 mil on a player, would the other shareholders need to make a % contribution to the purchase?
  9. Dudes got to be trolling the worry is I'm not sure hes intelligent enough to be trolling
  10. Agree 100% from the players perspective but really weird that his parent club would take a chance on him going out on loan for a year with an 'option' to buy if we had bid strong money to buy him.
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