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Dr. TC

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Everything posted by Dr. TC

  1. consult a doctor for erections lasting longer than 4 pages I'll sort him out.
  2. easy MOTM Sky will give it to some Swansea player though He's been ok, but not his best game. From our side I'd have Joselu, Ritchie, Clark or Gamez so far. What game are you watching? Merino's been the best player on the pitch from both sides. Not sure I agree. He's been decent for sure, especially second half, but that dive takes off some major points in my book.
  3. easy MOTM Sky will give it to some Swansea player though He's been ok, but not his best game. From our side I'd have Joselu, Ritchie, Clark or Gamez so far.
  4. Dr. TC

    Jacob Murphy

    Pretty pathetic today.
  5. I think we dodged a bullet on Abraham. He's like a pissed off Sammy Ameobi.
  6. Think if we play Joselu upfront we could potentially go 4-3-3. Drop Perez, have Hayden holding and Merino and Shelvey in central midfield. I know i have said this before but IMO Rafa won't do that. Relies too much on the wingers, not enough mobility around the striker and will lead to the striker being isolated due to the midfielders in question not being comfortable in the final third. Fact of the matter is we need an attacking midfielder we can rely on, quite obviously none of them are good enough. Yeah, you're likely right that Rafa won't go for that. In any case a pairing of Merino and Shelvey would work if we stick with two. Merino is fantastic defensively and his work rate is great. I'd prefer we keep Merino and Hayden. It's worked well today, and Shelvey doesn't deserve to walk straight back in.
  7. Mbemba's just fantastic. He never stops running. Even when he doesn't get the ball he's pulling their FBs out of position. Without his run Hayden wouldn't have got in there.
  8. Dr. TC

    Mikel Merino

    I thought he was terrible first half, great second. As people say, it was his first start and he was probably caught on the ball a little to begin with. Bodes well for the future though.
  9. Mbemba and second half Merino good. Everyone else terrible.
  10. Dr. TC

    Mikel Merino

    Yeah. Gash first half, much better second.
  11. Posted this on his Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BWz6uHJAyPY/
  12. He's an uncomfortable player to watch. All arms and legs, his posture makes him look panicky but actually he's generally alright on the ball and has a decent range of passing. As for Mangala, every time I've seen him he looks utterly brainless. Physically he's ideal for a centre half but during a match he has the look of a man who is wondering whether his wife is looking through his phone. I miss Titus
  13. Bizarre how different opinions can be watching the same game. I think Perez is looking dangerous.
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