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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Transfer bath already overflowing, might just go to the swimming pool at this point
  2. Isn't most journalism just rehashing what you've been told. Don't mind Edwards so much since he's stopped being Brucie's human shield. He's quite thin skinned but got a few things ahead of the crowd - Wood from memory?
  3. Don't the two teams above have a load of games in hand on them?
  4. I remember when West Ham was the absolute graveyard of strikers didn't they sign a ridiculous amount over a couple of seasons who got like 12 goals between them
  5. Probably as they've offered him a decent wedge and want to appease fan discontent. Wouldn't be surprised to see a few teams giving into Man U's loan demands as they try to get players in.
  6. He'll be wanting to leave on a free. When you don't cost a transfer fee you can demand higher wages. Barca are wanting to cash out if they can. Player has all the power in this situation.
  7. Mat le Tis is clearly the Alex Jones tbh
  8. People need to chill the fuck out, it's fairly clear we are working on deals
  9. Doing all our medicals and signings outside the country now thanks to Adam
  10. Wouldn't they want a king's ransom?
  11. If they don't make a special edition Bruno Ale they are missing a trick
  12. Two red cards already in the Brazil game hope he stays on the bench tbh!
  13. His Wikipedia tells me he's the fastest CB on FIFA 22. I'm sold.
  14. ASM has them all playing his card game
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