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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Why are they pretending that the goal is controversial? Even if it had hit his actual hand it would have stood. VAR will only disallow if goal scorer handles. Same as Longy goal vs Sheffield. Correct application of the current rules.
  2. That old footage was class Amazing foul on the equaliser
  3. Sale to Saudi team with an immediate loan back until the summer?
  4. GeordieDazzler

    Jacob Murphy

    Back for next week by the sounds of it?
  5. So Ashworth gave that interview last year where he purposefully mentions Saudi loans which caused the league to rush to a vote that in a sense we won (although I don’t think we intend to loan from Saudi). The Eales interview was a club media piece released on club YouTube. When he spoke about player trading it wasn’t an offhand comment or a tricky interviewer. Maybe I’m falling into the ‘playing 4D chess’ trap. But I think it’s been an exercise of a) killing the richest club in the world narrative and help negotiations start in a reasonable place b) smoking out the general level of interest in our players and getting a gauge of market values. I don’t think the club have planned on selling anyone this window. Perhaps only the Joelinton injury has messed up that somewhat. Media have jumped on it with predictable gusto and hyperbole that we absolutely have to sell a Bruno or an Isak etc. If anything it helps us plan better for the summer when there is a likely renegotiation on the PSR limits and more sponsors etc.
  6. Yeah 100% fakes like, they were selling those adidas training jumpers that go for like £150 on more reputable sites for £25 and in multiple colours. Buy bulk from China and make a tenner plus profit on most sales.
  7. Giant T in the Bayern crowd, clearly haven’t given up. Wor flags must respond.
  8. His mother trying to blackmail the national team coach at the World Cup has probably put quite a few folk off.
  9. Didn’t we nick a few academy/youth staff from City?
  10. Because they have ridiculous world class players ahead of him. Same reason Palmer left. Academy for city is an exercise in FFP. Foden and Lewis the exception not the rule.
  11. Starts vs Villa for me
  12. Also says we’re selling Bruno to Barca so not giving it too much credence
  13. I always thought the British thing was just as much club led with an aim of having a bunch of England first teamers in a few years time - Gordon, Livramento etc.
  14. Yeah I’m just saying that I think all clubs, West Ham included have baulked at the City’s loan demands (rumoured 7m loan fee for 4 months is insane). Don’t think West Ham will pay it just because they can.
  15. Makeweight in Kimmich deal?
  16. Well there would be two families there already that no doubt he knows well and a manager who speaks perfect English. Plus most Germans speak pretty great English, I think it would be easier to settle there than Madrid.
  17. Rice City are just playing the waiting game to see if anyone will panic and pay their ridiculous loan demands. All these links are just part of that. Think Phillips won’t move until end of the window.
  18. Do Bayern even need a RB? Seems a step down from being a squad leader to be a glorified groupie to keep Kane happy.
  19. Straight swap for Davies please
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