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Everything posted by huss9

  1. email to all media outlets please. "Their love for Rafael Benitez was not based purely on results and certainly not the style of play, but because Benitez shared their ambitions. He spoke of Newcastle United as a potential top-six club. In his final half season in charge, Newcastle were the sixth-highest scorers in the league and took more points than Tottenham, who finished fourth. Something was building. But anything that builds at Newcastle eventually falls into disrepair."
  2. huss9

    David Squires

    Wrong kids cartoon Velma??? well I never.
  3. huss9

    David Squires

    Charnley will forever be known as Wilma from now on. just cant be unseen.
  4. https://www.newcastle-online.org/forum/index.php?topic=96592.msg7459054#new my fault.. shouldnt have put it in two threads.
  5. huss9

    On this day...

    perez would have been too much of a conundrum for bruce. took till rafa came in to get him in a proper system that suited him.
  6. huss9

    David Squires

    "can ah have a calippo, gaffa?"
  7. him attacking the dry biscuits man. what a joke of a man this is. its as if his wife has banned biscuits at home because he's such a fat cunt, so he has to nick a few from the press conference.
  8. https://www.theguardian.com/football/ng-interactive/2021/mar/09/david-squires-on-mole-steve-bruce-hunt-for-the-newcastle-leaker
  9. huss9

    David Squires

    https://www.theguardian.com/football/ng-interactive/2021/mar/09/david-squires-on-mole-steve-bruce-hunt-for-the-newcastle-leaker so many things are so fucking hilarious. dont know how to copy it on here.
  10. huss9

    Emil Krafth

    even jamie sterry managed to complete the odd pass.
  11. That's never a Bruce quote, is it? no, no, he said "wish we didnt train so often."
  12. huss9


    you absolute dick!!! oh wait a minute.... shit - see u at the ground next season.
  13. huss9


    They actually needed a striker and they signed one. We didn't bother with anything as normal as addressing any weaknesses. Be amazed if there’s not quotes from Bruce saying he was happy with the window. yup. he licked it clean.
  14. huss9


    few of the midtable teams will be dreaming of post=covid beaches by the time april comes around and can see brighton really going for them.
  15. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    i just felt sorry for schteve. seemed a canny bloke, just completely clueless and out of his depth.
  16. huss9


    I think just the loss of The Coward and a stricter training regime, with a clean slate for all would be of benefit.
  17. hopefully craig reveals all. should bring a book out about the whole sorry season.
  18. huss9


    they have a horrendous run in - just 6 definite points against us and sheffutd.
  19. huss9


    how is steve nickson still in a job?
  20. Seriously? Bruce came out with that? "If we had played Andy and Dwight, then we’d have to change the whole set-up, and I don’t think we had time to do that. "We’re getting used to playing in a certain way, it’s the way I want to play, but unfortunately, having come up with the system, we’ve been struck down by the loss of Almiron, Callum and Allan. It’s been very difficult to try to replace them."
  21. but we only had a week, and most of those days the training ground was shut due to the sports scientists so we couldnt change formation. (the Coward actually said he couldnt start gayle today cos there wasnt enough time to change the formation).
  22. you...you...you saying there's still a chance then???
  23. see how evil that Coward is? he's even got us turning on a club legend. he'll be loving it, the useless cunt.
  24. yeah. thats why he doesnt stay at the team hotel with the players and coaches when we play down there.
  25. huss9

    Paul Dummett

    teams better with him in it rather than lewis. sad as that is when we could have had willems.
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