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Everything posted by PCW1983

  1. Gotta go forward now, another away goal and we can beat these at SJP.
  2. PCW1983


    http://www.sunderlandecho.com/news/local/all-news/irish-lawyer-margaret-byrne-31-is-new-sunderland-afc-chief-executive-1-3551981 Apparently she's a qualified solicitor.... yet she came out with that statement. What a fucking dog she is.
  3. PCW1983


    PDC and that lot are a good match for each other, both attention whores who constantly try to claim a status that they have neither earned or deserve. Match that with views of a neanderthal and they are the perfect combo. Sunderland and the media need to take a long hard look at themselves giving this clown attention that is undeserved and serves no purpose other then to fill a 5 min spot on a free view channel. During times when we are desperately trying to eradicate these kinds of pathetic views from life and football giving this man any kind of publicity sets us back 20 years. In a footballing view they have appointed a manager who will blame everyone else for his failings and he will fail, no doubt about it. But of course, his politics have nothing to do with football.......fucking half wits.
  4. PCW1983


    There's a adult ticket in the east stand for sale at £150, that's fucking rediculous that. A few year ago one of te lads beside us sold me his ticket for £49 so I could take the wife the lads went off it and he hasn't lived it down since. His loss like, we won 5-1
  5. PCW1983


    Or Miliband isnt daft enough to leave the 20 odd curry houses on his doorstep to eat there Just ruin my post, thanks
  6. PCW1983


    Their very own David Miliband was eating in The Raj in South Shields yesterday night. They must not have a curry house in Sunderland.
  7. It was bound to be, nowt worse than Russian food.
  8. Still love that, did I read the owner wrong or is that your vid Sifu?
  9. Has anyone booked for the final? Three of my mates booked up this week
  10. Thats Shambles Travel, mind not all of them are bad. I've been with them a few times and it was ok although i haven't travelled with them for a couple of years now. A lot of the lads that travel with them will be well known to most on here for good reasons, i wont mention names but certainly a lot of our good current songs originate from some of these lads. Did they kick off with the charvas on their bus for what they did then do you know? Or join in on the pitch? Ne idea i wasn't there, like i said i haven't travelled with them for a few years.....in fact not since they left a load of us stranded outside SJP the day we played Bolton because one of the busses didn't turn up.
  11. travel with them will be well known to most on here for good reasons, ? For being decent lads.
  12. Thats Shambles Travel, mind not all of them are bad. I've been with them a few times and it was ok although i haven't travelled with them for a couple of years now. A lot of the lads that travel with them will be well known to most on here for good reasons, i wont mention names but certainly a lot of our good current songs originate from some of these lads.
  13. I think true faith are trying to set something up for donations back to the club, that's from twitter like.
  14. Just seen this http://www.wigancosmos.co.uk/club-statement-newcastle-fans/4574853038 there are some fucking mongs around mind
  15. Well Colo got sent off on the lino's say so at Liverpool, you can see him shouting "it's a red it's a red" in his mic. So it does happen, and needs to happen much more often but like you say as a rule they say nothing. Colo had barely touched Suarez (I think he completely missed?) and was sent off for that, the inconsistency is just ridiculous now. Aye he missed Suarez but the intent was enough, i say that through gritted teeth mind. But you're spot on the inconsistency is so bad. Actually i just think we have very bad refs. Plain awful, crap standard, bog awful refs. It's important to remember that the referee will give his pre match instructions to the linesmen prior to kick off. People get wound up when a linesman doesn't flag for a foul close to him, well quite often a ref will say something along the lines of "everything in your third flag for the rest is mine" they do this to absolve responsibility from the linesman, same with penaltys, the ref may allow linesman to flAg for say hand ball but will decide himself on fouls in the area. They do it to try and be consistent but it quite often fails them.
  16. Exactly, it's a very easy excuse to say a referee has missed a decision but its a referees job to get himself in the correct position to referee the game. Halsey has been guilty of complacency bordering on laziness, happy to run his diagonals and hope he sees te game through. When Tiote begins to block his view he shoul be altering his position to view the tackle but he doesn't, it's obscured and he remains on his original run doing nothing to actually view the challenge. The standard of refereeing is poor, he game has advanced to a level of fitness that a referee can't keep up with. Full time referees shouldn't be lumbering around the pitch on pre determined routes.
  17. RDO Clive Oliver said "This is a venture I have been looking to launch for some time and I was delighted to secure the help of Michael Oliver to lead the group. Although he is at the top of his profession he is a perfect role model as it is not that long since Michael was being trained at the same level as the referees in the group. Not only do I believe he is the best person in the county to lead the group, he is the best person in the country. The referees both male and female will gain so much knowledge from him" I suppose a father would say that about his son.....
  18. Got it all sorted, booking it tonight when I get in from work. My mate went and sorted it 10 minutes after the draw so now got to copy his plans to avoid being on me own! Fancy sharing your plans? Im not sure whether to fly to Faro or go direct to Lisbon from London. Please don't take me wrong but that's the most weird signature I have ever seen. Are you masochistic or something like that? Why on Earth would someone like to be remembered all the time that he's married? Haha, i've just never taken it off after getting married. so it's not to be read in conjunction with the churchill quote ? Now you say that, yes TBF we found out last week that she's pregnant so marriage doesn't seem to bad
  19. Got it all sorted, booking it tonight when I get in from work. My mate went and sorted it 10 minutes after the draw so now got to copy his plans to avoid being on me own! Fancy sharing your plans? Im not sure whether to fly to Faro or go direct to Lisbon from London. Please don't take me wrong but that's the most weird signature I have ever seen. Are you masochistic or something like that? Why on Earth would someone like to be remembered all the time that he's married? Haha, i've just never taken it off after getting married.
  20. Got it all sorted, booking it tonight when I get in from work. My mate went and sorted it 10 minutes after the draw so now got to copy his plans to avoid being on me own! Fancy sharing your plans? Im not sure whether to fly to Faro or go direct to Lisbon from London.
  21. Good line up from us and we should beat them, Elliot needs to be brave and command the area.
  22. PCW1983


    Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=765777&page=35#ixzz2N8VXDyxD Back to the piss taking, wow can you imagine Bramble being number 2 ! :lol: Number 2 in a gangbang is about his limit.
  23. That disallowed goal for Swansea, terrible not just for the actual flagging but because the linesman either A: Didn't pay enough attention to the build up of the play or B: He was simply staring at anything past the last defender. Either way he will be back next week to make the same mistake again.
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