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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. oldtype

    Jonas Gutierrez

    Out of all the pieces of shit in our team, this is the one player who I can say with confidence is not actually shit. We'll all be watching him do the business at Spurs next season and weeping.
  2. come now, if Boro can draw against Villa surely we can.
  3. oldtype

    Brede Hangeland

    He's about five times better than any defender we have. You'd think we'd have a decent scouting network in Scandinavia to pick up these guys
  4. Bang on I don't understand this thinking. Why would they give a s*** about sending Newcastle down? Their c*** fans might hate us but there's absolutely no reason whatsoever why Fergie or ManU's players should be bothered about which insignificant s*** club they're getting three points from next season. If anything, Ferguson supposedly has always had a "soft spot" for us. What ManU's second string players WILL care about is impressing Ferguson and getting an inroad into the first team against a side which they feel they can beat. They'll try hard and probably dismantle a very poor Hull side. Aye. Even from a cynical point of view... Newcastle will generate more ticket sales than Hull. Maybe in their finer moments they couldn't care, but Ferguson thrives on grudges and revenge and burning us would be more satisfying than Hull. What kind of grudge would Ferguson have against Newcastle? It's not like we beat him to the title or anything Shearer snubbed him. Howay 5 0, lots of Scots hate Newcastle, Manchester are the Kings of The North not those clueless and deluded runts from the North East. The list goes on. I honestly doubt any of those are so paramount in his mind that he's ask his players to throw a match against Hull city.
  5. Bang on I don't understand this thinking. Why would they give a s*** about sending Newcastle down? Their c*** fans might hate us but there's absolutely no reason whatsoever why Fergie or ManU's players should be bothered about which insignificant s*** club they're getting three points from next season. If anything, Ferguson supposedly has always had a "soft spot" for us. What ManU's second string players WILL care about is impressing Ferguson and getting an inroad into the first team against a side which they feel they can beat. They'll try hard and probably dismantle a very poor Hull side. Aye. Even from a cynical point of view... Newcastle will generate more ticket sales than Hull. Maybe in their finer moments they couldn't care, but Ferguson thrives on grudges and revenge and burning us would be more satisfying than Hull. What kind of grudge would Ferguson have against Newcastle? It's not like we beat him to the title or anything
  6. Taylor and Colo against Carew. Oh joy. Oh fucking joy.
  7. Every person in any way related to the club needs to keep believing over the next week. The collective positive energy could just be what pushes our players over the top on the last day. If the fans and the city are in full-on doom-and-gloom "we're already relegated" mode for the next week, that's naturally going to rub off on the players and it won't help one bit. Just let yourself be deluded for eight days. It can't hurt, can it?
  8. If anyone seriously thinks that Hull have a better chance of getting something next week than us, would they swap matches with Hull if they could? Of course not.
  9. As long as we're talking about clubs with nothing to play for, Villa haven't got a whole lot on the line either and they've taken their foot off the pedal for a good two months now. Fucking BELIEVE people. There's no point in conceding defeat now.
  10. Bang on I don't understand this thinking. Why would they give a s*** about sending Newcastle down? Their c*** fans might hate us but there's absolutely no reason whatsoever why Fergie or ManU's players should be bothered about which insignificant s*** club they're getting three points from next season. If anything, Ferguson supposedly has always had a "soft spot" for us. What ManU's second string players WILL care about is impressing Ferguson and getting an inroad into the first team against a side which they feel they can beat. They'll try hard and probably dismantle a very poor Hull side.
  11. All we need is to not lose at Villa as I'm fully confident that even a Man U second string will dismantle Hull. I still say even odds.
  12. id hardly say we had 4 or 5 clear chances, some of them werent even half chances man. i dont think there was a real clear cut chance amongst them other than the viduka goal but technically that wasn't in play. Viduka goal, Martins hits post, two schwarzer wonder-saves.
  13. Seeing how good he's been all year, it was always in the script that he'd be the one to fuck up at a crucial moment and send us down
  14. The fates demand that we go down, that's all there is to it really. I don't care how shit we were, we had four or five clear chances to score and could have won this easily. We didn't hit any of them. Oh wait, we did, but Howard fucking Webb just decided that he would take it away.
  15. Unbelievable. Un-fucking-believable. Has St James' Park just seen it's last Premiership match for a long time?
  16. I would buy a fucking Bolton season ticket if they'd win for us right now
  17. it's just all Hangeland. He's kicking ass and taking names.
  18. jesus christ what is this trash. Howard fucking Webb gleeful at the prospect of sending us down.
  19. It was always going to be like this wasn't it? A dodgy decision sending us down
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