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Everything posted by Kimbo

  1. Better to take someone on loan than spunk money on someone that isn't the best long term option for us.
  2. Oooh, he's so dreamy.
  3. I remember reading posts on an Everton forum a while back. They seemed to have some sort of irrational hatred for you lot (similiar to the hatred you lot have for us). Who doesn't??
  4. If we're desperate and have run out of options then yes, why not. He still seems to score goals, even if it is in the Swedish league.
  5. Kimbo

    Tiago on loan?

    He's a fast runner.
  6. That's the reason i wouldn't want him here. Good player but not worth near that.
  7. Fucker doesn't deserve a new contract. The board can't bend over for any player that fancies a pay rise.
  8. So the fact he has been here over a year and cost the club close to £10m with him giving us f*** all in return isn't a problem? He has been given another chance(unfortunately) and he has alot of ground to make up, especially with me as i've never rated him highly. He's been not bad on the field compared to the other 4 and with this being his last chance I know for sure he'll take it and play even better. We may even see the Barton of old and even more. Believe in the lad. So many players have failed at our club because we don't give them a chance or enough time. Barton has his problems off the field and is thus affecting him on it. With these hopefully gone forever he can focus on his football. Who are you, his wife? Absolutely no chance of putting faith in someone that prone to violence; he's obviously not right in the head. I'll applaud anyone who scores a goal for NUFC but to ask for people to 'believe in the lad' - well, you go your way and I'll go mine. We've paid money for his transfer fee and have paid his wages thus far so what's the point in not supporting him to be honest. If Keegan is behind him, so should we. Ofcourse i will support him, i even support Smith when he plays for us. But i'm not going to rate him just because he's a Newcastle player.
  9. Taylor nearly gives away ANOTHER penalty. He's such an idiot that boy.
  10. Who says he isn't on equal pay? I remember when he signed a new contract people were saying he was on 30k. To get other clubs interested and try to start a bidding war.
  11. So the fact he has been here over a year and cost the club close to £10m with him giving us f*** all in return isn't a problem? He has been given another chance(unfortunately) and he has alot of ground to make up, especially with me as i've never rated him highly. He's been not bad on the field compared to the other 4 and with this being his last chance I know for sure he'll take it and play even better. We may even see the Barton of old and even more. Believe in the lad. So many players have failed at our club because we don't give them a chance or enough time. Barton has his problems off the field and is thus affecting him on it. With these hopefully gone forever he can focus on his football. I would say Viduka has been FAR better on the field, and Geremi has atleast got a bunch of assists to his name. No i won't believe in him, i can't because i simply don't rate him, as a footballer or a person.
  12. Lets offer £10m plus Milner for a 40% share in AVFC enterprises!! http://www.seriouslybusiness.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2007/02/dragons-den-entrepreneurs.jpg
  13. We were linked with Fellaini in the daily hate mail today, i'd love to think there was something in it, he looks ideal.
  14. So the fact he has been here over a year and cost the club close to £10m with him giving us fuck all in return isn't a problem? He has been given another chance(unfortunately) and he has alot of ground to make up, especially with me as i've never rated him highly.
  15. No arguments from me. How long have they all got left on their contracts?
  16. Kimbo

    Thick as mince

    They're setting themselves up for a big fall IMO.
  17. But if you read and believed the papers, you'd think that Newcastle is undergoing a crisis greater than that of Man City and Everton combined. ASHLEY LOOKS TO SELL!; KEEGAN TO QUIT!; FANS VOTING WITH THEIR FEET! THE (EVER-ASTUTE) FERDINAND CHOOSES SUNDERLAND OVER THE TOON! And we're destitute.
  18. Angel Di Maria it is.
  19. Turan! That's a good suggestion, he's just as versatile aswell. Valencia and SWP would also be good, and more realistic, options.
  20. I would rather get someone younger tbh. I would be happy with him though, he's easily better than Milner.
  21. Owen will be fit to start, why wouldn't he. Duff, Zog, and Jonas are all fit. Simply push Zog up and and start Enrique, problem solved.
  22. We should play hard ball over this, the window is winding down and they are desperate for a winger, i believe we could get a fee even more ridiculous than £9m. And the PFA can fuck off.
  23. Milner is far from irreplaceable, he's average if you ask me, but the fact he has left it so late shows how much of a moron he is, it's extremely unprofessional.
  24. Most likely rubbish. Milner is better than SWP and Lennon so I would want more than £8m anyway. I couldn't disagree more vigorously.
  25. Stick Owen on for Geremi, stick Jonas on the right, and watch the goals fly in.
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