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Everything posted by Scoreboard82

  1. Good to see a bit of turmoil at any other club than ours and especially down the road.Despite this, i find it hard to take the p**s because i get the feeling potential managers would find that job attractive, where as if and when Pardew goes, no half decent boss in his right mind would touch the toon job with a barge pole unless very well paid.
  2. Thinking about Team Northumbria v Scarborough FA cup tie at Coach Lane tomorrow. Anyone know if you have to pay in, or is it a free for all?
  3. I'm pretty sure everyone thinks Kinnear is a joke. Would be a joke, if it wasn't on us.
  4. If it was the other way round, i'm not sure i'd want to go to a testimonial held for any sunderland legend, if they ever had a legend of course. They're probably not happy that he's playing.
  5. I would be happy for someone less wealthy to take over, even if we had to cut our cloth accordingly by selling before we buy players, just as long as we knew they were doing what's best for the club and not themselves.
  6. Game finished 5 nil to spennymoor. They play away at bedlington on wednesday night. £6 entry again. Then in the fa cup at home to lancaster city on saturday.. again £6 entry for adults Got a souvenir local paper with the prog' at Morecambe. Read that Darren Peacock manages Lancaster.
  7. I don't know what form any protest should take, but obviously people are angry and feel they need to do something. IMO a boycott of the cup game would only scratch the surface financially, and we all know we won't stay away should we somehow reach the interesting stages, quarter finals onwards, and there'll be nearer a full house than in the Leeds game.
  8. Rest players? Let them earn a rest by getting a 2/3 goal lead before they come off.
  9. Some mackem caller on total sport just came on and started by asking if they'd ever heard the term, 'window licker?' He followed that by saying he thought that was an apt term for NUFC fans at the moment. He was rightly condemned by the studio hosts. Of course he didn't want to open by discussing his revolutionary new 'sewper' team, about to sweep all before them. He wanted to hurl derogatory, distasteful insults towards our fans.
  10. Best the utter weaklings can do either side of singing about Shola and Pardew. Cretins. Ron, man. Really think this fan rage is somewhat misplaced. I was looking at the screen tonight thinking "daft c***s" at those that paid money to go and watch that in the flesh, then I took a look in the mirror at someone who was sitting at home like a mug doing exactly the same. Only difference is Sky got my money instead of NUFC, which is just as bad if not worse. I don't think it is at all. The fans are refusing to fight for the club in supporting this nonsense. I can see where you're coming from but I think it's pity more than anger that I feel towards them. However, I've been where they are so I can appreciate why they still turn up. There are times when it's all you have, and for some people it's all they'll ever have, they live for it. I can't be mad with people for supporting the team, which is what most of them are doing at the end of the day. Fair point. I just wish people would see the big picture. Surely virtually nobody enjoys the rubbish we serve up at SJP and on the road these days. but what is the big picture? everyone stay's away? won't change anything not with the tv deal it would just mean further cost cuts and bring us no closer to anyone actually buying the club which is the big issue, no one wants to. Disagree - if Ashley is put into a position where he runs the risk of having to put money into the club because attendances were poor and nobody was buying merchandise, he would be out like a shot. In any case, his lack of investment in players will eventually lead to relegation and that will kill off his Sky golden goose. Last night's result is the first step along the way to possibly being relegated. Also don't agree that nobody wants to buy the club - they do, but they know what Ashley is like and they will wait until he is in a position where he cannot mess them about or hold them to ransom...Ashley isn't the only billionaire who thinks he is street-wise....as with everything else, there is always someone smarter/richer and they will come along eventually but it may take a while. Disagree, he'll hold out until the bitter end until he gets the price he wants. And frankly if you were rich why buy an expensive club like newcastle when you can buy a biggish championship club (eg Leeds, Sheffield Wednesday or go to League one Sheffield United or Wolves) for far far less put in some small amount of investment (compared to prem) get them up and boom prem tv package. Are you serious ? Leeds ? Sheff Utd? Wolves ? Since when did ANY of these clubs have the support potential - and actual - around the world that NUFC has ? Lets hope potential buyers know more about club potential than you seem to - don't argue by the way, because you'll start to look silly with that theory. We also have the infrastructure in place. Those clubs might be a lot cheaper to buy but then a lot of money would have to be spent on other things. what makes people think that we are a bigger club than Leeds are just because we are a division higher Leeds have had considerable more success than we have in the last 50-60 years I'm guessing you're referring to them winning more trophies? If so, that's not saying much. Oxford, Boro, Luton, Wigan have won stuff since the last time we did. That doesn't make them big. The potential at NUFC is massive.
  11. Bet those aerosols weren't deodorant.
  12. Uninspiring: I didn't even bother watching or listening to our 1st game of the season last night. Something that was unthinkable in years gone by. Shambolic: From one embarrasing decision/incident to the next, of which there are many. Frustrating: We have a great Stadium and fans but is it too much to ask for this great club to be run by someone who has the interests of the club and it's fans at heart? Seemingly yes. Someone who wants to make the club successful or at least respectable.
  13. Really torn here. Probably shouldn't go. Vowed i wouldn't go, but now it's here i feel like i want to go. Just fancy watching my team at SJP that's all. Suppose Ashley loves the likes of me. Nowt else happening. It's either go or sit at home and watch 'You've been framed' ironically.
  14. C'mon 'hawkeye'. Make your 1st call this season. Please tell us this one's over the line.
  15. This is from the same clubs fans who sang about him pi**ing himself while he was alive and then came and laid shirts/scarves at SJP when he died. And we're the hypocrites eh? Although to be fair to some on there they did say a lot of the quotes were out of order.
  16. I think i read on nufc.com that you can buy tickets at the away end window from 6pm tomorrow. Adopted St Mirren as "my Scottish team" years ago, so i'm really looking forward to this. For those travelling up there's not really any pubs by the ground, but Paisley town centre is only 10/15 mins walk away. New Street, just off the high St has a little cluster of pubs. 'Paddy Malarkeys', (not an irish bar despite the name), and the 'bull inn' to name a couple. Biggish wetherspoons, 'The Last Post' outside Gilmour St station too.
  17. Think I heard on ssn that the winners play Swansea next too. Would have been an interesting tie for hibs had they made it.
  18. Aye, "Back Page". On that subject, they advertised a bus to the St Mirren game, then as soon as the Rangers game was confirmed, they no longer mentioned the St Mirren trip. I'm wondering if they scrapped that and decided to go to Rangers instead. Didn't want to start a new thread in matchday travel section.
  19. I would love it if Keegan had some role at the club, in the unlikely event of these clowns at the helm leaving NUFC and a new regime taking charge. A regime with a desire to make the club a success.
  20. I think the only thing that needs a rest is his mouth. What a clown. He's trying to big himself up and sounding pathetic. Let's see how he talks his way out of failing to deliver any signings of note. Come to think of it, he'll no doubt try and blame Pardew/Carr, anyone but himself.
  21. Scoreboard82

    Season Tickets

    I'm guessing you can cancel your direct debit for the remaining payment between now and Jan/Feb, but would forfeit any money you've paid up until now.
  22. Great vid that, but it saddens me that we once had a hero and now we've got absolute zeros at the club.
  23. Aye, St Mirren were due to play Celtic that weekend. They'll now have to find another date just so Celtic can play a "big" friendly. Just typical of one of the old firm.
  24. It's gonna end really well if he turns up. If he really thinks he's got nothing to hide and he can justify this ridiculous appointment, then he should go and face the public. Odds on that he won't though.
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