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Everything posted by Scoreboard82

  1. Oh, it's Keegan who's left us in a mess is it? Nowt to do with the people in charge of the club undermining the man and making it impossible to do his job. I think it's Ashley and Co who are responsible for this mess. Can you read man and why only quote selectively? I made it clear that I wasnt discussing who is responsible for the mess, just that Keagen leaving us 3 games in the season has left us in a mess. I take Madras' point though that our squad still looks decent, the mess I was referring to though is that we are managerless and even if we appoint one, he might have a different vision and style than Keagen's which means our players will need to be conditioned on his tactics and style of play (which usually takes some time). I can read. Can you spell? It's KEEGAN. You're talking about a man whose name you can't even spell. I quoted selectively because i was reacting to the point i highlighted. I don't think you made it clear that you weren't discussing who was responsible for the situation and that your "Keegan leaving us 3 games into the season has left us in a mess" comment implied that Keegan is to blame. As for the squad, it's good but thin.
  2. If we're doing well things may be more quickly forgotten, but don't forget that any new manager will be working under the restraints that Keegan had to endure. i.e having some of his buys/sales chosen for him, wether he agrees with them or not. Effectively, the manager will pick the team from a squad that has been chosen for him. No matter wether Keegan or anyone else was manager, surely that's an unacceptable situation.
  3. Oh, it's Keegan who's left us in a mess is it? Nowt to do with the people in charge of the club undermining the man and making it impossible to do his job. I think it's Ashley and Co who are responsible for this mess.
  4. Most people were unhappy with Allardyce as manager and so probably wouldn't have been too disappointed. Keegan was popular, so most are disappointed. I agree, let's get behind the lads to beat Hull, but we simply can't carry on as if nothing has happened. Keegan and we the fans have been betrayed IMO.
  5. Scoreboard82


    I think it's an absolute travesty, the way Keegan has been treated. Those who feel the same way, need to Protest. However, boycotting sports direct stores in the area, will i fear have little effect. It's only one or two branches of a massive chain after all. We'll stop shopping there and the Mackems will resume shopping there to cancel out the effect. Some of the sports direct customers couldn't care less about NUFC so long as their shorts are ok for their hol's. It's going to be really hard to hit Ashley in the pocket. All we can do is vocally make him and his chums so unwelcome, that they decide it's no longer worth the hassle to stay here.
  6. I dis-agree. I think the people who've made the club less stable are Ashley and Co. They've rocked the boat and needlessly deprived us of an ambitious manager who bleeds black and white. And it's a bit harsh to suggest people are "mongs" for protesting because they don't want to see their club being treat with contempt.
  7. Keegan quit because he was being undermined. NUFC are left in a position whereby no decent manager, and only a total puppet will want the job. I don't think that's an acceptable position and i think the club should be told it's un-acceptable. These fanzine statements are just an attempt to get everyones protests aimed in the same direction.
  8. Appoint the right man? Who on earth would want this job, working under the current conditions?
  9. True. Keegans relationship with this club goes back over a quarter of a century. I think He's under-estimating the affection the fans have for the man.
  10. Think we need a poll to decide the best form of protest. March or staying behind at the end of the game sound good. Even if everyone stayed for only 5 mins. Protests probably won't bring Kev back, but we need the people who forced him out to pay. We need to make the remainder of their hopefully short time here miserable.
  11. Any doubters of KK, just try and remember that he loves this club and anything he does, is done with the intention of doing what's best for the club. No-one wants to succeed here more than Kevin Keegan. What's he expected to do when a player says he's not happy, then someone offers umpteen millions for that unhappy player, as in Milners' case. Had Milner been happy, then i don't think he'd have considered selling him. The circumstances are different however. I guess he feels he has little option other than to sell. Long live King Kev!
  12. He has to be paid what he is worth. And thats regardless of how long is left on his contract. If he is not paid what he is worth, then he has every right to request a transfer. The questions are, firstly is he being paid what he is worth, and if he is not, then why not. The kid is entitled to ask for a rise and just as entitled to request a move to a club that want him enough to pay him what he is worth. Just the same as it is with any of us in our jobs. When he signed his contract, he agreed to play for us for "x" amount of time for "x" amount of money. Unfortunately for him, that's what he accepted, regardless of what's happened since. Personally, i think he's worth a wage comparible with the best at the club, but he's committed himself to certain terms. His only reasonable options are to seek alternative employment or accept the terms of his contract.
  13. I want Milner to stay, but he has to live by the terms of the contract he not long ago, agreed to. His pay probably doesn't match that of "lesser" players, but now is not the time to ask for more money. IMO that time will only be towards the end of his current deal. Otherwise he is holding the club to ransom. If we give in to his pay demands so soon into a contract, then others will think they can do exactly the same. I do wan't him to stay though.
  14. I reckon Boro should be sponsored by Tetley "One Cup" tea bags, given there unsuccessful, almost trophy-less history.
  15. I think people are starting to realise that 90 mins football is only worth so much, and to question the value for money. The cost has certainly put me off going to away games. Love away trips, but it's simply too much money these days. Can be almost £100 before you have a drink. There were so few people in that corporate bit, at the back of the Leazes Yesterday, that i actually wondered if it had opened yet. The club should be having a rethink regards the pricing of the area. They've tried to rip-off the fans and it's back-fired.
  16. Nope and I have an email from the Box office that says this: "We are aware that those supporters who have already renewed may have paid more than the new prices, if this is the case a refund will be automatically issued during July." I'll wait until this week's fiasco is sorted before chasing this up. I still await my £115 refund too. They originally said July, then early Aug', and now it's anybodies guess when we get the money back. Grateful to be paying less next season however, and the view from my new seat is just as good.
  17. Hopefully they'll turn out to be more of a parcel than a package.
  18. Granted, the BO are trying to improve things and hopefully, through time, they will, but these Man U tickets have been left ridiculously late. What if you'd planned to go for the weekend. You couldn't go down early because your ticket hadn't arrived. As for picking up tickets at Old Trafford. You don't want to have to mess about doing things like that. You want your ticket before you set off. Hope they get things sorted soon. Oh, and they said they'd send me a refund for paying too much in avance for my season ticket, in July. Good job i'm not relying on that in a hurry.
  19. Along with Coloccinis' signing, this is good news. Pre-kick off atmosphere just wasn't the same without it.
  20. The club seem determined to sicken the man by not backing him, which is a shame, because if ever there was a man who loves the club and wanted to bring success, it's King Kev. Long live the king.
  21. was the playuer wearing a spiderman mask ? Maybe he has a child to an estranged Geordie partner and he's a father for justice who needs to be closer to the young'un. Seriously though, never heard of him but i hope he does the business on the pitch.
  22. The lack of a get out clause may put me off. You just don't know what the future holds. Ever the optimist me.
  23. I paid in advance for the coming season. Our tickets are cheaper than what i paid and i'm due a refund. At the viewing of our new seats yesterday, the NUFC staff member informed me this refund isn't quite as big as i'd expected. Seems i misunderstood. I didn't realise that unless you took up the price freeze option, this coming seasons ticket would cost 10% more than it would if you paid for next season only. I thought the increase only applied the following 2 seasons. I told them i didn't want to take up the price freeze, but on thinking about it, i may get in touch tomorrow and tell them i've changed my mind. If it's possible of course. I wonder what happens if you commit to the 10 monthly direct debit payments and you have a dip in fortune and become skint? Will ask them Tomorrow.
  24. Used to be really chuffed when it was the Toons turn to have their team photo on the centre pages of shoot/match. It was like a special edition when that happened, especially in the days when we were struggling outside of the top flight.
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