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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. I'd sell my house. Burn it to the ground, declare bankruptcy and start again, it's the only way.
  2. Every time people buy into this propaganda they are told and ignore what they have seen with their own eyes. HBA is a prime example of this, I have NO doubt he's a great player because I've seen him... Play great! I have no doubt Pardew is a shit manager, because I've seen him manage us... Like shit. Use your eyes ffs.
  3. Not enough 50% of voters are Mackems "shocker" (and Cronky)
  4. Vote in its now a 50/50 split.
  5. Couldn't agree more. Hope he massivley rekindles his career. Seems an honest and likeable lad. Far too few of our players, coaches and managers get experience abroad and I'm convinced that is a major factor in why we haven't seen as much success at a national level. Aye - hope he does well. This. I think it will be the making of him if he's given time to adapt and learn a new league. If/when he comes back he'll be a better manager for it.
  6. I'd like to frust a red hot poker in this tools eye with a bit of fret.
  7. The supporters have been well and truly Pardewed if they genuinely believe we should take a player out of the team based purely on the fact he's hit some kind of form?!? How must you feel about the manager to presume the only way a player would start to perform is because they wanted away. There's something incessantly wrong with that.
  8. This is the type of game we get unstuck, after two decent results against superior opposition, this is the kind of game we expect to win on the back of riding a wave and it inevitably ends in a draw or worse. Should be looking to win this but Pardews sit back and counter game won't work here.
  9. Spot on, there's been a crusade to lower expectations and have us believe we are where we should be in the pecking order. 4 wins on the bounce will not convince me that the football I've witnessed over the last 4 years is acceptable or that this is his true level and not the preceding 10 months of dross. I'll take the wins but I don't believe for one second Pardew has masterminded it or that we've turned some kind of perpetual corner. The sooner he's gone the better, end of, don't let any PR campaign have you believe anything else.
  10. He's done what he's always done, stumbled on a winning formula and a winning team sheet. He will stick rigidly to that come what may. When it stops working or he goes behind he'll start to tinker and we'll be back on the slide. I'll enjoy the wins, who doesn't love beating the bin dippers? But sooner or later it'll be insufferable again.
  11. Poor Bigi, who knows wtf he did to Pardew. He fell in the borehole. We're saving up for a ladder to get him out. Bloody sovereign states and their large array of ladders, can't compete with that.
  12. He was/is always only a mini-run away from a seasons stay of execution. He's had a couple of good, if not fortunate wins and for some reason it always erases all that proceeded it. He gets abysmal results 70-80% of the season, but it's the other 20% that proves what kind of manager he is, aye alright. Good Managers don't turn bad overnight? Yeah and shite managers don't turn good overnight either, 1 swallow doesn't make a summer. They'll all be crying into their Wonga tops when he takes us down eventually.
  13. It was obvious the minute the team sheet was made public he was trying to throw the game, what he didn't know is that the kids were going to play out of their skins to prove a point. Hindsight says he was just being a genius obviously, like the time he played a blinder with HBA.
  14. I can see Pardew reverting to type because that's what he knows, Gouffran will be playing if fit, guaranteed and there's no way, even after that performance, Pardew will trust Abeid with a league start. Graft over skill. I hope he proves me wrong but we've seen it for 4 years now.
  15. I'd think you'd have to be deluded to not have looked at that starting line up at 7:45pm and thought, yeah he's throwing the young ones under the bus. If anyone deserves credit it's the players for hoying that bus out the way. They took the chance that they were given and they made it count, good on them, mores the pity they won't see another match until the QFs though.
  16. Maybe if we win it (chuckle) Pardew will get sacked for risking relegation in pursuing a cup?
  17. Who's this Chucky bloke?
  18. I find it rather apt his initials are ASP because he's a fucking snake
  19. Half the team out "injured" bring the kids on to "prove themselves" get hammered, blame the kids/destroy all confidence, blame the loss against Liverpool to tired legs even though only 2 of the players tomorrow night get a starting berth in that game. About right?
  20. Hopefully, at some point in the not too distant future... A bullet
  21. Blackpool started the season with 13 players, but yeah according to the Oystens it's Riga's fault they've only won one match this season. Rediculous what's happening here!
  22. We only have to listen to his propeganda sound bytes and persevere with his abortive anti-football once a week, how the ruddy fuck do these people come out an support him/big him up when they have/had to deal with that day in, day out for x number of years? Seriously, should be locked up with the criminally insane, borderline psychotic.
  23. Credit where credit's due Well done Ameobi
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