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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. Gutted I'm missing this, sounds like a riveting match, oh and the dulcet tones of Lowes is a real loss to my night with his insightful knowledge of the game. Gutted I tell you!
  2. I'm pretty sure every team that play us has Pardews pressers as their team talk, if he can't boost their teams confidence and moral no one can.
  3. If this cunt was on Mastermind he'd definitely pick casinos over football as his specialist subject, even though he's shit at both.
  4. You must remove them with a tin opener. Like your fat footballer mate. stop this madness Leave him alone, he's obviously one of those chunks that hangs his pouch over his waistband.
  5. Doesn't deserve another thread, however needs one so we have somewhere to vent, otherwise all the other threads will get taken over. Got no faith in this cretin getting a win tomorrow.
  6. It's fucking rediculous that we won't spend any more money on what we need because we've spent our incoming transfer fees, meanwhile Fat Ashley is bathing in the Sky money. Can't wait to see the creative accountancy on that one.
  7. Can't stand them, I am surrounded by them at work and they're crawling out of the woodwork again. I bet one lad at work they wouldn't win the league last season, now he's taken me on double or quits for this season, so I have extra incentive to see them fail! That and the scouse accent is like fucking nails down a blackboard.
  8. Excellent work guys and I see you made the Chronic
  9. Welcome back Santoon, great way to make a comeback! Glad you've sorted your shit out, good to have you back bud.
  10. Fuck me, I forgot about this tool! That was around the time I started reading on here, not long before I started posting. I guess he's feeling better from that time he died.
  11. Might as well just say, we have no interest in style of play, individual teams you may want us to beat, crowd levels, games outside the premier league or football in general, so long as the team scrapes enough points to stay in the premier league, Ashley gets his payout and continued audiences for SD tat we're all good. Enjoy watching that tripe because we know you won't stop supporting the team. Love Pardew et al x
  12. The mans a defeatist, we've lost before we kick a ball most games because he's told everyone how amazing the other team is, how difficult they'll be and told all out players to be careful.
  13. I reckon we can contain these guys pretty well, if we can keep it to 0-0 for 70 mins we can bring Oberwang on and nick it on the break. I haven't got a fookin' Scooby Doo what were gonna do on corners or free kicks though?!?
  14. Yeah I find it all extremely bemusing that the press have been banging the "big spenders Newcastle" drum, "Ashley has answered his critics", "dark horses Newcastle", "lots of exciting new attacking options" The story will soon change when we slump, for some reason Saint Pardew gets an easy ride in the mainstream press.
  15. We could have Shearer in his prime and not score in a month with these tactics. Pardews team talk is "careful" forward play is too dangerous.
  16. Different season, different players, same problems, what's the common denominator? Oh yeah, it's not Pardews fault, his hands are tied. Nothing's going to change with this absolute plank in charge. Unless we get luck and sign someone who's going to come in and give us that "magic" we're really going to struggle this year.
  17. That's not the change that should be equated to our situation, it's the constant expectation dampening and turning the majority of our fans into situation appologists (we can't compete, sovereign states, Leeds, etc...) The Toon Army of 10 years ago would be burning Pardew/Ashley effegies in the stands. It's not just the club that's a shadow of its former self.
  18. I reckon we'll knock it round midfield all pretty like, promising signs and all that, struggle to find the target with our 1 player in the box at a time tactics and concede a goal while Taylor is fervently beating his chest for clearing a shot that deflected off his arse for a corner. Short version: Loss
  19. This is the fourth, isn't it? Aye, almost 4000 pages now. There won't be another, right? There'd be another 300 pages at least just slagging him off, even if he was sacked tomorrow. Suppose maybe that would get a new thread though. I mean, yeah. When he leaves sure. Make a thread. But another one where we impotently call him a dick and hate his guts electronically? Does anyone want that? If it doesn't happen, I'm sure we'll be blasting the useless fucktard in most/all other threads anyway.
  20. Slim went from wanting to have his babies one day to wanting to kill him the next, it wasn't a gradual change it was over night. That's what I mean it was spectacular
  21. There seems to be an initial pardon on Pardew this season. Blogs, independent reports and even national/local media seem to have been sucked into the "good signs" blarney. 0 shots, no fret, continuation of our losing streak, piss weak back line and toothless up front, doesn't seem to bode well in my eyes. If it was a game of midfield play then yeah we looked alright yesterday, problem is there's the question of scoring at some point and preventing the other team from scoring that might be the sticking point with us. We'll be lucky to finish in the top half this season with Pardew in charge. Clearly Man City barely broke a sweat, if this had been 10 games in it would have been much more embarrassing. The next few games will show exactly where we're at but I'm not exactly chomping at the bit to watch how well we contain a managerless Crystal Palace and hope to nick a goal late on.
  22. I remember the first thread with fondness, we were a small band fighting the fight back then but look how we've grown. You build an army TRon and there's always more idiots to swell the ranks of the opposition. Though it has been glorious to see some of the defectors, my personal favourite being the eventual turn around of Slim. One day we'll all be united in our hatred of Pardew, I'd like to know what the smug little fuck face has to do for that to happen though.
  23. It took you until the last sentence but at least you have admitted that you know nothing about football. Go on then, enlighten me with your wealth of Footballing knowledge. I'll enlighten you as to why Pardew should f*ck off. He head butts opposing players, shoves linesmen, abuses opposing managers, tells lies to the fans and regularly contradicts himself.. Add that to the fact that he congratulates himself for signing players, regularly tells us how grateful we should be to a fat greedy tw*t who is creaming million of pounds of the fans money into his pocket, oh and did I mention the now regular maulings by Sunlun and the fact that we have won 5 and drawn one of the last 21 games. Wish you and your fellow Wonga shirt wearing sheep would f*cking wake up. And Mr (Mc)Fool please tell me where I have said anything of the opposite? However loudly you scream into your keyboard, it isn't going to make one blind bit of difference to the arseholes owning the club/picking the team/making the tea. I've realised this so I'd rather spend my time analysing the performance of our team on a game by game basis. Anyone with half a brain cell knows Pardew is a c***, some just don't feel the need to let it ruin our club. For the record I have never and will never by a shirt that bears the name of Wonga.com. Odious f***ing company. Not my argument obviously, but just had to say, they are already ruining our club, whether we say anything about it or not and keeping quiet with your head down will do nothing but speed up that process!
  24. As much as it pains me, it has to be a loss and by a fair margin. A win will cement the smug faced shit stains job for another 6 months and a draw will have him crowing from the rooftops about how we've turned a corner, we're all wrong for doubting him and he's the new messiah. Put the pressure on early and let the fucker squirm!
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