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Everything posted by bobbydazzla

  1. Aye, it’s definitely not new. That’s the major problem, these fuckers have been going for years and years and the club has moved on but they haven’t Through bad times and now the good, the miserable and disinterested have been sat there In “their” seat, pouring scorn from the minute the match kicks off
  2. Food should be banned in the stadium We have a plethora of restaurants, takeaways & food shops within 5 mins of SJP for pre / post match scran If someone can’t last for 2 hrs without filling their face full of bait then they’re a wrongin in my book
  3. Noisiest and most positive fan around me today was about 7 year old Last season I was always in same section, I had mates nearby, I got to know people around me, we all enjoyed standing and making a racket, it was class. This season I’ve had some dire experiences, it’s actually depressing being around these miserable twats and the disinterested arsewipes playing on their phones I don’t expect everyone to want to stand and sing, but to turn up with the sole intention of slagging our own players off, or to be sat scrolling Facebook when it’s 1-1 against Milan with 10 mins left. What’s the fucking point in these people being there ?
  4. I think for many season ticket holders it’s a case of familiarity breeds contempt I’ve had the same experience in all 4 stands over the last couple of seasons. Season ticket holders just turning up out of habit to piss and moan throughout the match. They take no joy from being in the ground. They could do with a break, for their own sanity. Either to allow them to remember what it is they enjoy about being at the match, or to accept that they don’t actually enjoy it and find something better to do. It’s a depressing situation really, miserable negative people clinging on to their tickets just for the sake of it.
  5. There’s a large group of season ticket holders who would benefit from having their tickets taken off them, even if just temporarily, as the enforced absence might rekindle some enjoyment from going to games Posted this in the match thread but will stick in here too Special mention to the season ticket holder I had the pleasure of being next to, what an afternoon they had: Turn up at 3.05 Call Longstaff a useless ginger twat for 30 mins Go for a pint on 35 mins Come back 5 mins into half time Call Longstaff a useless ginger twat for 30 mins Say “I’ve had enough of this” and leave on 80 mins The loyalest football supporters the world has ever had
  6. Decent result. Freezing cold and soaking wet but 3 points, 3 goals and a clean sheet. Onwards and upwards. Special mention to the season ticket holder I had the pleasure of being next to, what an afternoon they had: Turn up at 3.05 Call Longstaff a useless ginger twat for 30 mins Go for a pint on 35 mins Come back 5 mins into half time Call Longstaff a useless ginger twat for 30 mins Say “I’ve had enough of this” and leave on 80 mins The loyalest football supporters the world has ever had
  7. Assistant to the Head of First Team Recruitment
  8. Yes, let’s talk about why that is definitely not a monopoly and why it’s actually an oligopoly
  10. Actual footage of Jack Clarke blowing away any chance of the Makems reaching the Play Offs
  11. This is dogshit We’re getting absolutely bummed I was expecting a defeat but this is rancid
  12. Think it's important to remember that Snakey Dan was one the most highly prized DoF's in the UK and was still willing to sign up when were in a relegation battle season We're now going back out to market for a DoF as a club in a very different situation. We can talk about our improved infrastructure, big name sponsors, high profile signings and a taste of CL football and cup finals, for starters
  13. Just been on Talksport that we've proposed a deal to Chemical Jim Twatcliffe £15m cash in used £20's and Ashworth can join Man Utd as soon as he finished single-handedly moving Leazers Terrace to Beamish, brick by brick
  14. These things happen with senior level recruitment, particularly when you've got new owners doing a massive turnaround on what was a moribund NUFC. There could be many perfectly acceptable reasons why it hasn't worked out for Ashworth here. And added to that, DoF at Man Utd is without question a bigger job. But it's the way Ashworth has handled his exit that shows that he's definitely a snidey little cunt. His move was leaked for weeks and then he's finally resigned hoping he can just null and void the clauses in his contract. And now his potential new boss is having a toddler tantrum all over the press about how unfair it is Ashworth can't just null and void the clauses in his contract. What a pair of snidey cunts.
  15. It'd be like if Ashley had sold 30% of NUFC to that wankstain who owns Wetherspoons
  16. I like to sit at home in front of my laptop and master bake
  17. You're guaranteed to get into every game. Yes, you've experienced the frustration of the ballot, resale etc. But you're helping others. If you fail, you still get to go the game. Your opinion about the Ballot counts, but I'd argue less so than people who are just Members. And many of them would bite your hand off for a Season Ticket. You're basically saying. I've got my big cake and I get to eat a new piece every week. But I also want to have a say in how others who can't have a full cake get to bake their weekly slice of cake and eat it, because I know some people who like eating slices of cake and I sometimes help them to bake their slice of cake. Or summat like that.
  18. Sir Jim Twatcliffe coming across like a right bellend there like Boo hiss sucks to employment law or contracts and I'll skweam and skweam and skweam and skweam and skweam if those horrid people in Newcastle won't let me have Dan Ashworth right now this instant
  19. It was a meeting about Ballots, which primarily affects Members. For 6 of the 8 people on Haydn's table to be STH's is poor. A few STH's being invited would be ideal, as their opinion counts and would be valuable. But Haydn's experience suggests there were quite a few STH's there How many of those STH's there last night have had to pay £45 quid per game to sit in a part of the ground they didn't want to. Or sit for days pressing F5 in the hope a ticket pops up. Or missed a game because of a lucky dip. And as for your point about STH not being able to buy a membership, just buy it in a friend or relatives name. There's nothing to stop you doing that, even though technically it's not allowed I got 1 membership for me, 1 for the missus. She hates football and would never go to a game, but it gives me a better chance of a ticket
  20. Heard a story via a pal who knocks about with Matty Longstaff. Matty was going on as a sub...it was along the lines of: Assistant one: Matty, get yourself on the left side of midfield Matty: OK Assistant two: Matty, right side of midfield today son Matty: Errrr. Wait. What. I thought I was going left side ? Cabageheed: Don't worry about positions Matty, just go out and do your thing
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