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Everything posted by bobbydazzla

  1. Were your mates failing to get tickets last season and are now getting tickets? Most people I know were getting tickets fine last season and are now struggling to either get a ticket, or sit where they want to sit I genuinely don’t know anyone who has anything positive to say about this seasons ticketing
  2. If they genuinely care about supporter relationships then Eales, Dan Ginger, Sarah Medcalf and Yvette Thompson need to start engaging with fans and fan groups about this ticketing shite. It's happening under their leadership and it's infuriating a massive section of matchgoing supporters And if Mehrdad and Amanda don't know how pissed off fans are getting, they need to be made aware
  3. If this ticketing fiasco is being run by a 3rd party ticketing specialist, then I question how they have a viable business. Because their system is absolutely appalling and a group of nursery age kids jacked up to their eyeballs on Fruit Shoots and Smarties could produce something more logical and fit for purpose.
  4. If you've been refreshing for two hours but haven't had the "we're denying you access to this page because we think you're a bot" screen yet, then you're in for a treat when that happens It's the cherry on the top of a steaming pile of shite
  5. But sending a bairn in on an adult ticket is making it much more likely the ticket will get ID checked That’s assuming other grounds are like SJP and the concession tickets flash up differently to an adult ticket And also assuming stewards at other grounds actually give a fuck, which I doubt they do
  6. How come there was plenty of bairns, they couldn’t have been over 12 year old, behind the goal at Bramall Lane I’d be surprised if many kids of that age have Season Tickets and loads of loyalty points. I think it’s a good thing if kids and teens are getting to away games and it’s not just exclusively older punters locking everyone else out. But it did intrigue me, given the new laws for sharing tickets. Corporate allocation was my assumption.
  7. They tried to make him go to rehab, for his toe toe toe
  8. Be some serious Makem fewm when a black & white mural of Sam is unveiled in Newcastle city centre...... but but but but but marra, he's from North Shields, has a fake geordie accent and has never even supported the Mags marra
  9. That's 3 x resales in a row that they've managed to fuck up now Abysmal
  10. to the Supporter Services team ?
  11. I’ve got no knowledge of what’s happening behind the scenes in relation to dialogue with the club about ticketing, but I reckon all supporters who are pissed off with the home and away ticketing should be making their frustrations known Either directly contacting the club as individuals, or going via one of the supporter groups We’ve got a leadership team at the club who to date have appeared willing to engage with supporters and now is the time to increase the pressure & dialogue about how poor the new policies are If they’re not willing to communicate and listen to fan feedback when so many are pissed off, then for me that would be a real concern
  12. I've travelled the land with a ballot in my hand And an eye ever open for allocated seats I've been up to heaven, had my share of level seven Seen Eales on the take and on the bum
  13. Steve Bruce. Biggest cunt in football. A habitual liar and fantasist. A narcissist with a victim complex. A money grabbing fraud with the morals of a sewer rat. A workshy fopp who poses as a football manager. A putty nosed slob with shit for brains. Lock the thread. Launch it into the North Sea with bricks tied to its ankles and chains over its shoulders. Never to be seen again.
  14. You can't officially resell tickets won in ballot But if you can find someone who will buy it, then you just send them the email with the ticket download link and they can use the ticket. It'll still have your name on it though
  15. Man City resale scheduled to start at 10am. Loads of system errors and an hour later it looks like no-one on here has been able to buy a ticket, despite having them in their baskets Ticketing team need their backsides kicking, once again
  16. Eales and Silverstone are winning They're selling millions of billions of memberships at £37 a pop and have ramped up member ticket prices by 25% but most people are too pissed off by the ballot to have noticed the price rise Figures for commercial uplift from ticketing will look great when they sit sown with PIF for their annual salary reviews and bonus pay outs Next in their sights will be those pesky season ticket holders on their cheap deals
  17. How can anyone feel the need to block MrRasberryJam. He will be remembered, simply, as, the man who put a smile on the face of all who he met.
  18. I think its telling that people on here who were struggling to get tickets with the 10am queue last season have also been failing in the ballots Not suggesting they're to blame for the changes, but the new system isn't helping them at all Whereas people on here who were regularly getting tickets via the 10am queue are now regularly failing in the ballot, but then still finding ways to get tickets and are mainly frustrated as it's not in the areas they want to sit And the timescales from ticket sale to match are so short that anyone out of the North East, or who needs to plan their weekends is also put in a difficult position So who exactly is this ludicrous new system benefitting ? No one seems to be in a better position
  19. @SteV aye, Brentford was L7E And just in case anyone hasn't seen my incessant pissing and moaning in other threads, I'd bought tickets in Gallowgate A for every game since takeover. And also in the resale for Villa and Liverpool. My first ballot success was Brentford and they couldn't have put me any further from where I wanted to be. So I sold the L7E ticket toot suite
  20. Man City I've got 2 x Cat 2 adults in Milburn L7 Brentford I got 1 x Cat 2 adult in MIlburn / Leazes corner L7
  21. Could slather his slapdome in yellow and green face paint stripes for his post match presser
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