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Everything posted by Colocho

  1. Martins against Spurs at White Harte Lane last season.
  2. She was only on The Apprentice - You're fired, a couple of weeks ago like.
  3. I'd say it was the return of Martins that has really changed us.
  4. Colocho

    50,000 + Or.....

    I've been to 12 league games this season, home and away and personally I don't feel the need to try and make others feel bad because they were not there or do not go to games etc. It's a shame that there are so many people that do.
  5. Many articles on that joke of a website don't even have sources.
  6. There are so many of them, they cannot go into the football section.
  7. ... and is already a Premiership player.
  8. why are we going to need a winger ? Judging by our injury problems over the last what, 10 years, we cannot rely on one formation and one style of play. are you classing a ljungberg/pires type as a winger ? Not at all, but if you watch Deco play you will see he avoids the wings (mainly because Ronaldinho or Messi would have already got there). As good as he would be through the middle I think we need to find a more sustainable option to play through the middle and create goals. Unlike Pires and Ljungberg, Deco does stay in the middle of the park and like them he is also getting on, by the time we sign him he probably will be 31 and I can't see him being ready to fly down the flanks if needs be. Bentley is becoming the sort of player Pires and Ljungberg were at their peaks, be it creating goals or scoring them and funnily enough they all have the Arsenal background. i know deco plays through the middle and bentley isn't exactly a gillespie style winger thats why i was wondering what you meant You have to consider Deco's age and whether he would be able to adapt to an increasingly competitive Premiership after only making 12 league starts this season ...
  9. why are we going to need a winger ? Judging by our injury problems over the last what, 10 years, we cannot rely on one formation and one style of play. are you classing a ljungberg/pires type as a winger ? Not at all, but if you watch Deco play you will see he avoids the wings (mainly because Ronaldinho or Messi would have already got there). As good as he would be through the middle I think we need to find a more sustainable option to play through the middle and create goals. Unlike Pires and Ljungberg, Deco does stay in the middle of the park and like them he is also getting on, by the time we sign him he probably will be 31 and I can't see him being ready to fly down the flanks if needs be. Bentley is becoming the sort of player Pires and Ljungberg were at their peaks, be it creating goals or scoring them and funnily enough they all have the Arsenal background.
  10. why are we going to need a winger ? Judging by our injury problems over the last what, 10 years, we cannot rely on one formation and one style of play.
  11. We're going to need a winger, be it Bentley or Lennon. Deco is old, would cost a fortune and probably demand wages second only to Michael Owen, maybe even more to come here.
  12. Ronaldinho's latest injuries really seem to have ended the style of play that made him so famous. If he is to revive his career, he must go to Italy.
  13. They were apparently watching the keeper Rui Patricio, and defensive midfielder Miguel Veloso.
  14. Colocho

    Beye today...

    If he can make the step-up like he did around 6 years ago next season, then he has the ability to become one of the best right-backs in the league.
  15. Were you there? Bahrain, by the looks of things.
  16. Colocho

    Beye today...

    Right back is probably the weakest position in the prem player wise so I'd think he's pretty high. Is that including Wes Brown, Glen Johnson, Steve Finnan, Lucas Neil, Pascal Chimbonda, Alan Hutton, Belletti, Micah Richards and even Ryan Taylor, whose performance was outstanding today? If not, then yes, I would agree Beye is up there. However, I wouldn't say Beye is yet as good as some of those in the list above.
  17. Colocho

    Beye today...

    I've seen him play for a few years now, and when we signed him I was ecstatic. It's taken him a bit of time to settle in, but today he has given a brilliant all-round performance. I'm chuffed, especially considering my name is devoted to him.
  18. Glad to see Beye back to playing with the confidence he had at Marseille for years. Really impressive performance today.
  19. Thats the best you can do? Clutching at straws or what Everyone can see he was making mistakes week in week out, but if you weren't such a pretentious little man, you would have read the question I asked. I was interested in seeing what people thought he did wrong.
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