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Everything posted by Pilko

  1. Bet they wish they'd not rejected our (alledged) £8m bid all them moons ago! Last time I saw Johnson he looked like Phil Mitchell (not the poster either).
  2. I see hook nose and his brethren didn't like that. Ah well. edit: for what it's worth too, midds, that's the first time I've piped up to one of your arsey comments.
  3. Think it's probably a good move for Boyd. He'll start every week, and the team will be biult around him.
  4. Don't post that in here, what if Mike or Dekka sees it!
  5. When you do get one be sure to mention it it the materialism thread. And the mood thread. And in this thread. Obviously. Sorry about that. Why not ask your missus to stop mentioning your fucking kid in every thread, maybe I don't want to read about that? Cheers.
  6. I like it how Best isn't even listed.
  7. Carroll is nowt like Crouch other than his body shape. Crouch is a decent/good header of the ball but nothing more but he's got some class on the deck about him too, as well as more intelligence and experience. Carroll is far stronger in the air, and has a more powerful shot on him, but lacks the balance, floor-skill and intelligence of Crouch.
  8. Pilko

    U23s & Academy

    Chris, what's happened to that Faroe Islander we had on loan - are we keeping him?
  9. Carragher's retired from England... again. Better be for fucking good this time.
  10. Llorente changed the game against Portugal, he deserved to start today.
  11. That leaves two new faces - no doubt they'll be Inman and Vuckic.
  12. Lee Naylor is fucking shite, no ta.
  13. Harper Samuel Williamson Coloccini Enrique Gosling Nolan Smith Guthrie Routledge Boyd /skirge
  14. Are you kidding me? that comical defending for Gerrmany's 1st goal and inability to lead the backline generally throughout the game makes him one of the most culpable...that's not even counting whatever destabilizing effect his press conference may have had. The only players more culpable than him for England was probably Green, Barry, possibly Rooney and that's about it. Possibly Rooney? Add Heskey, Upson, Lennon, Gerrard and Lampard. I sort of guess you were gonna say that. The list of players you provided (including Rooney) can be said to have played badly because they didn't do much but they didn't cause a direct goal through sheer stupidity. For me doing something stupid (which leads to a goal) is worse than not doing anything. That's exactly the point, Rooney didn't cause a direct goal.
  15. I so already did that joke. Word.
  16. There's no way you can call Upson one of the worst central defenders in the Premier League. Granted, he's not exactly mint but there are loads who are worse. Carragher, fair point. He's been finished for years, utterly mental that he was even called up and even more barmy that he was played before Upson.
  17. Xisco - club captain "So lads, we'll start at Tiger and head over to Tup after that, then we're meeting Nicky Butt at digi later"
  18. Pilko

    Luis Suárez

    Yep. dont slag off the likes of solskjear (can't be arsed to check the proper spelling) then when they do cuntish things for their teams. doesn't seem like 2 mins ago terry henry was getting slagged off. Aye but the Terry Henry thing was cos he wasn't caught. People here are just pissing and moaning for the sake of it. He did it, got caught, got punished - the next part (the Ghana pen miss and the subsequent shootout) is detatched from that incident, even if it did technically cause them to occur (not what was done with the pens but the event of them occuring).
  19. Nolan please. So glad to see CH didn't even mention Taylor.
  20. Anyone been in the club shop in town? Big posters up of AC modelling the new kits... complete with massive gashed knuckle area where he alledgedly punched Taylor. Must have been one hell of a punch if he's still got the mark there now.
  21. Love it how the first photo TT finds of the old gold NR shirt is of Alan O'Fucking Brien
  22. Pilko

    Adopted teams

    Just Whitley Bay really, and that's not really an 'adoption' as they're local.
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