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Everything posted by Wil

  1. Looking at the stats tonight, it would be easy to argue we're the least ambitious club in the league.
  2. Wil

    Alan Pardew

    He'll be coming out, quite aggressively as he does, facing down any searching questions. There will be no respect at all for the real concerns of the fans. He'll "protect the club". It's part of his remit, and a good part of what he's paid for. The whole thing has become a rather sickening spectacle.
  3. Wil

    Graham Carr

    After this shambles, suspect it's only a matter of time before he leaves the club he loves, sadly.
  4. Cant work out if its all down to Kinnear's complete and utter incompetence, or that he and Ashley are purposely undermining Pardew. Either could be true.
  5. Really wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't attend one game this season. Has obviously lost all interest now.
  6. Wil

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Just don't know what we'd do without Hatem. He's a jewel amongst all the shit around the club at the moment. He seems to just love playing for us, and watching him is a complete joy.
  7. Great movement up front at the end there, Remy is going to make a huge difference. Something to look forward to at last!
  8. One of Mapou's best games, is covering really well. But desperate lack of confidence in final 3rd, everything petering out. All very similar to last home game.
  9. Excellent tonight, could be the breakthrough for him. Really took his chance.
  10. Wil

    Curtis Good

    Cultured player, got potential there.
  11. Wil

    Alan Pardew

    Think the danger tonight is the young lads will be playing out of fear, rather than from any feeling of confidence.
  12. I really like his qualities, but he's often the first to be sacrificed by Pardew and always seems to have been. Get the feeling he was one of Carr's calls not Pardew's.
  13. Yeah, doesn't seem that long ago. Remember being genuinely excited that night as were many others. Seemed a perfect fit at the time. Seems it only took a year for his disillusion to set in though. Realise we may only be seen as stepping stone, but you wonder what on earth our better players think of this current regime. Must be dispiriting for them to say the least.
  14. Hope it's bollocks. We just can't afford to lose him this season, with things so chaotic. He's such a huge factor in keeping us in games at the moment, and helping to keep us in this league ultimately. I think he'll give us another year, he's been brought up with the club. After that though I couldn't blame him if he wanted a move, if the current lack of ambition at the club is still so evident.
  15. Wil

    Moussa Sissoko

    Thought he did well, strong all over the pitch, a dynamo. In his best position today by far.
  16. W Ham are working very hard, their pressing is making us sloppy on the ball a lot of the time limiting us to the long shots from Hatem. And we could have been caught cold a couple of times in defence which is a bit worrying. Sissoko having a decent game today. Anita all short passes, nothing incisive from him. Marv a bit disappointing so far.
  17. Wil

    Alan Pardew

    Reflected very badly on him tonight. All that pre-season positivity bollocks and we've made the worst fucking start in the league by a long way. Can't see him lasting more than a few weeks.
  18. Like him a lot already, feel sorry for him arriving amongst all this shit.
  19. Christ lads, what to say? This club... Feels like an unending nightmare at the moment.
  20. Be amazed if we play well tonight and don't get stuffed, after this blow to the collective confidence.
  21. If it was Cabaye's decision, thought he was bigger than that.
  22. Why? Perhaps I should have said inevitable to me. But there's been a lot of talk about him wanting to move on already, and I just think we're not going to dig our heels in if the price is right. Unfortunately unlike other clubs who have made a stand, which I admire. With Ashley I just can't see it.
  23. Feels a bit inevitable he'll be off. And very likely with no new replacement - nil confidence in Kinnear on that score, even if Ashley wanted one. Under pressure Arsenal will pay enough to make it happen. Reckon 16/18m will do it.
  24. Fantastic news from Colo. Just great.
  25. Wil

    Loïc Remy

    Exciting stuff. Immediate potency to the forward line.
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