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The Merse

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Everything posted by The Merse

  1. Seemed a bit reluctant to play it long which when we did caused their defenders some bother - I don't mind the playing out from the back but without a midfielder who can transition the play we get overrun - willock and shelvey aren't that type of player - Haydn for me and maybe mix up the play a bit more
  2. To me he seems like a bloke in a constant mid life crisis - permanently creepy and self obsessed
  3. Goal a game and today he conceded his usual howler at a really bad moment - gave the opposition alot of confidence
  4. Nothing is a foregone conclusion with howe - always have a chance of pulling a few surprise results out of the bag
  5. Thought the midfield selection was a little gung ho - could have done with Haydn in there - played some good stuff and if we could have held that 1-0 lead for more than five seconds we maybe could have built on it
  6. Bad managers dream - covers enough ground to make up for the lack of team structure - as seen with Rafa he can be utilised to be very effective
  7. All these teams who have actually won a game this season justifibly sacking their managers - winless Newcastle a disgrace
  8. Can only wonder if they pulled the plug because Middlesbrough may try for wilder - just seems strange timing
  9. See how many of his media chums put his name forward for the Norwich job - bet nobody who actually supports them will
  10. Can't remember exactly but Bournemouth played us off the park up here - great goal from a corner I think
  11. Awful situation - so reminiscent of Marc vivien-foe - watched in disbelief as that happened and feel sick to have witnessed it again - pray he pulls through
  12. Doubt R.E.M. will ever get back together, they did things properly in terms of sharing the songwriting royalties etc, so none of them need the money. Aye, maybe one day for a benefit gig or something? They were always a proper band for me the minute I started getting into them (early 90s along with Nirvana (found their music first)), in it for the music the most and to a man they all seem like top people with no real egos or their own self interests to ruin any music legacy. Again Stipe is up there with Kurt and Keegan as idols of mine. They all got me through some tough times as a teenager/young man in the early to mid 90s. If only Kurt never died I’m sure they would have collaborated and produced some amazing stuff Saw them live in 1984 on the life's rich pageant tour - one of the best I have ever seen and Stipe was truly wonderful
  13. Thought it was some of the best stuff we played all season - midfield ran out of legs at about 70mins plus Delph came on and we struggled to keep any momentum
  14. I think Hayden was referring to the kamikaze high press which Brighton were passing their way through with consumate ease.
  15. Wouldn't surprise me if they shifted their focus to Monk - there is no chance they are gonna pay up for Bruce
  16. If he had solely gone for Bruce I can see he may have viewed it as a Keeganesque type appointment whereby he can placate the thick Geordies with 'one their own' but when it's apparent allardyce was in the mix it just reeks of utter desperation . Its just the complete lack of anybody at the club who has any knowledge or interest in football that amazes me. Clubs like Leeds, southampton, wolves etc have appointed managers that show it can be done.
  17. The total lack of strategy is staggering - they have had months to prepare for Rafa's potential exit and yet the only names they can come up with are the same old failures on the management merry go round. I find it hard to believe a supposedly good businessman would run a multi million pound company with this level of ineptitude and lack of imagination.
  18. First signing Carroll - stadium packed for the return of the prodigal
  19. The Merse

    Jacob Murphy

    Shirt looks like it may be too heavy for him - different clubs suit different players
  20. Got a cracking pass on him and when he got his head up in the second half he looked like he can be dangerous offensively. Actually thought the centre midfield did pretty well but the glaring weaknesses elsewhere was the diifference between a loss and a draw.
  21. If Ferdinand isn't the absolute definition of a bloke with an agenda I am not sure what is
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