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Everything posted by ExiledGeordie

  1. WHo do you expect the board to bring in once they've sacked him then, which isn't going to happen anyway?
  2. Credit for the subs but simply has to bring Marveaux into the fold. I dont like this Ba situation either, seems to me Pardew is clearly pandering to him. He either has to move Ba wide or just leave Cisse on the bench and have done with it. He's failed to get them playing well together and refused to move Ba left even tho it worked last season. So play either Ba or Cisse central and put Marveaux/Obertan wide beside either of them.
  3. A starting midfield at home against a truly woeful side of Anita, Tiote and Perch is negative as fuck. Why not put Marveaux in to add some guile? You've still got Anita and Tiote to do the donkey work. He has to drop one of Cisse or Ba, its not working so no point persisting with it. Push Marveux as a front 3 if yr not going to play im in midfield
  4. Yep no idea why we dont see more of Marveaux? Was always going to be a game like this, glad we got the 3 points in the bag at the end of the day.
  5. Ok for the first time I'm now properly worried, too many strange decisions from Pardew and a lacklustre display again
  6. Get Marveaux on 2nd half ffs, got nowt in terms of creativity. They are fucking woeful too so if we can't put these away at home or worse
  7. The way some post in threads like this its almost like they're desperate for us to lose just so they can say "told you so"
  8. If Martinez was that good would he not have them consistently finishing mid table rather than staving off relegation year in year out?
  9. They're poor defensively, always likely to concede. Even if Man City were sitting back 2nd half last week that same type of intensity we showed with the crowd up and they'll struggle to keep us out.
  10. ExiledGeordie

    Loïc Remy

    Yeah we're weak as piss at the back so even if Remy did bring something different to the attack and plug the gap should Ba leave we'll still be going into the 2nd half of the season struggling. Desperately need reinforcements to sure things up at the back.
  11. He'll be gone for the simple fact he (and his agents) know that he can get more money than he's being paid right now. Would love him to sign a new contract as he's guaranteed goals and is committed on the pitch but if he leaves for more money I won't be sorry to be shot of the whole "will he, won't he" saga. Plus he should never be talking in public about tactics or possible moves to other teams. Tedious affair but I suppose it's all part of modern day football
  12. ExiledGeordie

    Loïc Remy

    I'd take Remy plus a new CH over a new RB. Atleast we kind of have some options at full back whereas at CH we're completely shafted at the moment.
  13. ExiledGeordie

    Loïc Remy

    Can anyone tell me a little bit more about Remy playing style wise. Haven't seen much of him despite hearing a lot about him. Does sound like it'll be Marveaux moving on if this happens which would be a shame and seems to indicate that Ba may move on too. Could still see defensive/midfield reinforements happen too though (wet dreams)
  14. The whole thing is fucking boring isn't it.
  15. Yeah no point risking at all and forcing him out for months on end. Seems like they completely underestimated it going into the Fulham game, why bother playing him then at all?
  16. As we all know it'll end up predictably depressing come the end of Jan as it's what we've just come to expect thesedays. It could all be very different though......a couple of great signings, Cabaye and Taylor back from injury and the team ready to kick on. It'll be more like the same quotes as mentioned above and clinging on for dear life.
  17. Sure players would need a bit of time to bed in like Anita but we'd be updating the squad with genuine quality over what we have. Also the confidence and lift it would give all the players, staff and fans can't be understated, would be huge to sign some really solid players in Jan. Given the financial disaster relegation poses what with the new mega prem deal for next season you'd think it would be a no brainer for Ashley to sure us up and guarantee prem status.
  18. Yeah ever since he started marauding forward and shooting from long range or firing long passes it's all gone tits up. Perch looks a more assured and neat player who doesn't give the ball away sitting in the midfield at the moment but Tiote will get back to it, he's been awful but that's linked to missing too many games through suspension/injury.
  19. There were glimpses of his old self yesterday, good tenacious play but still far too sloppy with the ball at times. I'm amazed people are saying we should just sell up though There's some amazingly fickle fan pov on here, haha
  20. Will play well with Cabaye back in the midfield too. Top class
  21. Lose against QPR and the shit really hits the fan
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