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Everything posted by ExiledGeordie

  1. Same intensity as today and I think we'll win. Really could do with HBA back though,
  2. Yeah lets be realistic about the level players we're playing against ffs. Mansour has spent 1 billion on this operation.
  3. I remember games like Arsenal away when Carroll scored. He was immense in that match, everywhere, all over the pitch. But powerful play mixed with brilliant simple, neat passing. Thesedays it's like he's trying to force too much and do too many things. As others have said he needs to go back to the basics. Break play up, protect the back four and give simple passes.
  4. I'm still saying 3 or 4 at present. QPR have a mountain to climb if they're going to stay up and Reading going on last nights performance look almost dead and buried. Southampton have been playing really well by their standards recently and are STILL two points behind us. Villa are shite, Wigan will always be down there and the Mackems have hardly turned the corner. That said if we don't strengthen in Jan after losing most of the games coming up over December with Ashley sticking with what he's got (again) then that number will rise rapidly.
  5. Cousin is living in New York currently and goes to the Toon pub over there regularly. Llambias was there with his son who was meant to be running the NY marathon last month which was then cancelled. He was doing a bit of an Ashley buying a few people beers but also sorted out my cousin's mate with tickets for a few matches. Anyway they quizzed him on signings and he said 3 signings in Jan. Doesn't change my opinion of the bloke and the hope for signings drained away ages ago but that's what he said....take from it what you will.
  6. His situation needs to be sorted one way or another. If we can broker a deal that he'll sign then fantastic. If he and his many agents want silly money he needs to be moved on so every fucker can move on from this "will he won't he" scenario.
  7. The thought of Tevezand & Aguero running at Williamson Bloody hell
  8. Surely has to bring Marveaux into the fold? Well we won't be expected to get anything and in that sense there won't be the same pressure on us as say it were against a Wigan type side. We also seems to raise our game against the top sides. So I'm not as nervous as I probably will be for the QPR match. It's also a MUST win for City after sunday. A defeat but not a blow out
  9. Well until he's replaced with a new centre it's going to be the same bloody story, game in game out. And we can't rely on Taylor staying fit. NEED a new CH
  10. Whereas I can actually see us getting a result here if all the 1st teamers are back in the side I can also see the predictably poor result as per. And a poor result here and the pressure is squarely back on them going into some really tough fixtures.
  11. ExiledGeordie


    He gave them that (predictable) short term lift when he arrived but he looks hopelessly outdated at the moment with his play. He doesn't look like he has a plan B currently and the players he's brought in like Johnson simply aren't doing it. Once his ability to get the players fighting for the cause goes then he has no back up system wise to fall back on. Looks dead in the water to me but we'll see I suppose.
  12. Nice straightforward transfer if someone wants him then
  13. We needs to sign a centre half and the Ba situation needs to be sorted as it's getting boring now. Doubt either will be sorted though.
  14. "London mags" in quotes. Fuck me you're as bad as those prick Liverpool fans who call up saying anyone who lives outside of Liverpool isn't a Liverpool fan. I'll remind my brother who lives in London that he's not a proper mag
  15. I went to the match just after Carroll had been sold. God what a hideous night that was. Mind we completely folded last season in the 2nd half, total collapse. They've lost 3 out of the last 4 and haven't won in the last 7 or 10 games (can't remember which) so they're not in form. They always seem to raise their game against us at home though and that cunt Duff always turns it on.
  16. Love the crowd appreciation he does in the corner at the start of each half. Total class act this lad
  17. Yeah it is ridiculous that people are so quick to judge a player. It takes time to adjust to a new league and environment, I mean he said himself it he was having to get used to the pace of the game here and how quickly the pace changes. Remember Evra and Vidic both endured much tougher starts and many Man U fans including my mate were writing them off........ Really starting to come on now though.
  18. Back from the match.......... Atmosphere was class (if a slightly smaller crowd than usual) and the crowd really got behind the team. Team got the crowd going too having started well but there was a really good vibe, like the players and fans were fairly in sync. Thankfully there weren't any of the boo brigade around me in the Gallowgate. I would've taken 3 points anyway but that was positive and something to build on. Pardew deserves credit for changing things. Marveaux gives us another great option.
  19. Him and Ben Arfa in the same side could really give us so many more options
  20. Changed things up and we won 3-0. Ok the sending off changed the game but the sending off came as a result of a great move and in situations like the one we're in you need everything you can get. Fair play to him.
  21. He needed games before to get up to speed and got injured against Everton last season when he was really starting to show what he could do. Same situation again, he just needs games....Looked class at times tonight
  22. Starting to really find his feet in the league now. Looked much more comfortable watching him live compared to last time.
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