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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. ey? I remember reading an old article on NUFC.com about him being a porn watcher, so much that it caused some problems in his marriage. :lol: never knew that. Visions of him casually reading Razzle pre-match. Swear there is an interview somewhere where an ex-player was saying he would put porn up on the walls in the dressing room. Tricky thing to google for.
  2. Brought porn into the dressing room at NUFC.
  3. We need to get a Mandy banner to go alongside Gan Radge neck Cowies.
  4. I had a rocking hang over off that stuff when I was in Turkey, orange, mint and raki cocktails. Ill. I remember waking up once having gotten pissed on it (neat) the night before. Went to get some water in me to get rid of that awful taste. Grabbed what I thought was a clean cup out of the cupboard. Turned out I'd been drinking Raki from it the night before and put it back without washing it. Sick everywhere.
  5. He needs some time out of the squad to get his head right.
  6. Dads Mrs works used to to work for Shakhtar, apparently he was heavily linked to some Ukraine jobs post palace on the back of our metalist performance in Europe. He knocked it back to persue work in America....
  7. Was definitely Mikel Merino in my mind at 5 a side tonight.
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