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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view/819434/the-end-of-billy-batts-o.gif
  2. He'll be the invisible man as usual. I'm with Shay. Can't help but feel that denigrates my point. Et tu Seamus? I just mean a lot of people see Ian W and recoil. It's not helpful to have your prejudice associated with my point.
  3. He'll be the invisible man as usual. I'm with Shay. Can't help but feel that denigrates my point.
  4. Anita will help keep possession and counter faster. I think Rafa will like him.
  5. Low hanging fruit, still tastes sweet.
  6. Was he better or worse than Roy Evans?
  7. When you're playing football and you tackle somebody only for them to get lucky with a richochet and still end up with the ball.
  8. Yeah for all the doom and gloom its basically a case of beating Sunderland and Norwich and matching their results.
  9. I realise it's nothing like that.
  10. Like crediting your rapist for using a condom.
  11. Woodman is just Jays Dad from The Inbetweeners.
  12. We've spent the best part of £80 million to go backwards, spending the same to go forwards would be a no brainer. Charnley, Carr and Moncur have all screwed up and put their easy jobs at risk, screwing a good manager doesn't make sense and they will know that. I'll almost guarantee our defence is sorted in the summer if we do stay up. We'll not be buying more midfielders while we can't score or keep a clean sheet. Benitez is their potential get out of jail card and they'll know it so self preservation will tell them to back the manager. I agree. Small thing though; none of NUFC's current crop of midfielders strikes me as having what Benítez looks for in a midfielder (tactical discipline, good conditioning, not afraid of the ball, and then more tactical discipline) so they'll definitely will be in the market for one or two this summer. Sounds like Anita tbh
  13. Well if Vincent Kwan said it.
  14. http://s17.postimg.org/s8ix79z5r/Rafeal.jpg
  15. Scored a Paul Scholes volley from a corner tonight at Football. Has to be a good Omen.
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