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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Regarding Keegans involvement in transfers (because that's all that is about)? Aye. Well duh. Keegan claimed constructive dismissal. That case was about Newcastle United Football Club v Keegan so it wasn't going to document other irrelevant instances of the club lying was it? Do the f*** act openly towards fans. There have been plenty of evidence based posts that have shown this to be the case.
  2. 'You think I've had two good games, I'm billy big bollocks now I can play how I want' Amazing
  3. 'So you, you little cunt when I tell you to do something you do it, and you, you fucking bigger cunt when I tell you to do something, do it.'
  4. Fucking SD logo is the worst. Just so horrible to look at.
  5. It'll probably take a while for that sentence to sink in.
  6. Too f***ing right. I hate this s***. Really they should be suing Slade as he has tendered his resignation.
  7. Honestly I feel like Buscemi in Armageddon. Space Dementia.
  8. :lol: 3 years later and we still win by drawing.
  9. Why would anyone admit to this in public, even if they did it? Clearly a joke. Makes it sound like he was considering a transfer.
  10. So we are bottom of the table and without a win halfway through the opening 10 games. Still want us to judge you after those 10 Alan?
  11. Irony being when we come to play the reverse fixture we will saying a point against Hull just isn't enough.
  12. Go and bombard Pardew with abuse before the game, Ian. They've already made plans.
  13. Aye, I notice that as well. A lot of the articles have had their hallmarks too. They used to write with a similar style in their match reports. Also the common perception that they are close to the club would explain the clandestine nature of the site.
  14. In the wise words of tupac 'Die slow motherfucker'
  15. if it was anything to do with here it would have been done months ago and badly too. FWIW I find the change in .com's stance to be the most telling. They have a long history of being the go to guys for NUFC news and undoubtedly have the best connections to the media and fan groups. Definite change in attitude from them of late and they are not normally quick to change. Think they are building up to a crescendo a lot of activity from them today too.
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