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Everything posted by Nattfare

  1. The brightness of the floodlights and night sky coupled with the weather is differen in September and December. He'll absolutely say this kind of s***. He needs to see if the stars are aligned correctly for a win and he can't do that with the floodlights on.
  2. Nattfare

    David Squires

    Given my lack of height, it's always going to fly over.
  3. While Pardew is front-footed.
  4. He's too busy slating Anita and Yedlin at the moment, but he'll get there eventually no doubt.
  5. Nattfare


    2nd tear? Is he crying?
  6. If getting hit by a truck; Exc: 10
  7. Nattfare

    Image of the week

  8. He threw two at once. Then he threw the pub itself.
  9. The lad is an absolute joke. Just a parody of himself these days. Barely on the pitch two minutes before committing a foul And that's after he had failed to commit a foul previously.
  10. That's not a nice thing to say about a former teammate.
  11. De Jong when he returns to St James' Park after his loan stint:
  12. Would love to know what they base these opinions on?
  13. Such a class moment. The more I look at it the more it looks like that slip actually saved that supporter's life, as it looks like Mitro is about to chest barge right into him.
  14. His leg will fall off when they make the reflex test.
  15. http://www.thegifspot.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/o7x1oEZ.gif
  16. He is, suppose...but is he injured? I can confirm he is alive. Feeling like General Colt here
  17. He should have said that there is no hard work to do at all. This is as good as it gets. I'm sure that would have been a lot more inspiring.
  18. I hate you Sky. But maybe it is just as well this time that I can't watch it.
  19. For some reason this made me think of the quote Simon Pegg's character makes in Black Books. "But imaging we’re all on a football team okay and the guy on the wings he’s wearing a crazy shirt. Nobody knows what team he’s on, can I pass to him? I don’t know. And look his sandal has come off on the muddy ground. DAMN IT we’ve lost five nil."
  20. http://mrwgifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Excited-Little-Dog-Points-In-a-Direction-For-Big-Dog-On-Cartoon-Networks-2-Stupid-Dogs.gif Colback to the left.
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