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Everything posted by Happinesstan

  1. I wouldn't read a word of the sun I heard that if you look directly at the sun it blinds you. I heard it traumatises you so much that you become deaf, blind and dumb as fuck.
  2. I'm sure this has been suggested before, but could they not put a cap on player salaries, but no restrictions on appearance money. That way players would have to earn their wages. If money is to be the incentive then make it an incentive to be better.
  3. £400m is about right. Club will generate that in less than 3 years in the PL. Usual rule of thumb is a business is worth what it generates in revenue over a 3 year period. Profits maybe not just revenue. ??
  4. Happinesstan

    Graham Carr

    I think we definitely benefitted from him in the beginning, he brought in some hungry, talented players that buzzed in that first full season together. Bringing in Cisse at just the right time to re-ignite the spark. That season would have been very different with Pardew's signings. And then having given him an 8yr contract, Ashley basically sent him on gardening leave. And entrusted squad development to a man who couldn't develop a polaroid. With a good manager at that time we could have still progressed, Carr was clearly still working hard in the background, given the signings that belatedly arrived. And they arrived in a similar fashion. Janmaat, Gouffran, and Sissoko were all hungry and talented, but the simmering pot of expectation that once was had become a festering pan of mouldy broth.
  5. From Nufc.com Old boys on the move: Nile Ranger - Southend United to HMP Venue TBC Had to chuckle
  6. We signed Selz in June, the rest in July. Let's keep the June signings to a minimum.
  7. Nothing but a charming fraudster. Tee-totaller but poses for a photo with beer in hand, because he knows it will make him friends. Football's Leonard Zelig.
  8. What a protective bunch you all are. I never once said that anybody deserves to lose anything. I simply argued that what neesy said wasn't all that odd.
  9. What an odd thing to say. It's not really. Given that we've lived through 30 years of skyrocketing prices to pay for footballers obscene wages, which were justified by the fact that they have short careers. I think we can all, quite justifiably, not give a shit about them now. fucksakes man, Lineker earns more in one hour on a Saturday night than most earn in a year. Shearer probably does too. He made more than enough money during his career, that he never had to worry about anything for the rest of his, or his daughters lives.
  10. Exactly, not sure how people jump from game time to guaranteed starter. I think maybe with Boro being considered as an option, where he would most likely be a guaranteed starter. However I'm sure Chelsea, having seen him perform at championship level, will be keen to see him in the Premiership. Quality over quantity.
  11. I'll grudgingly tolerate him when he is dead.
  12. You're kidding right? He spent £250million on a football club and didn't check the books.
  13. The state of that Looks like a drag act the morning after.
  14. http://cdn.ghanasoccernet.com/2016/11/Ampadu.jpg It's the love child of Harry Stiles and Susan Boyle. The shit they get up to at Cowell Castle would shock Fred West.
  15. There is nigh on zero chance that we will get a recognised striker with such a reputation, but we can hope that Rafa has his eye on somebody who will quickly develop into such. TBH though, if Rafa can get the rest of the team right, I can see Gayle being quite prolific, even in the Prem. His best season (in the prem) so far, is approaching.
  16. He was harshly treated at Swansea imo. too quijkcly judged. And for all intents and purposes, gave Leeds their best season in f***ing years. Yeah they dropped out of the top 6, still their best season in 7 years. Got them playing some decent stuff, especially compared to recent seasons. fans loved him. Was positive, got the fans hopeful and interested again... I wouldn't under estimate his influence there. Maybe that's more to do with how s*** they've been for so long, but I think he'lol go on to be a decent manager. He's only managed 2 clubs. Reading this has alerted me to the fact that we need to qualify for the champions league as soon as fuck. Not having Pardew's name mentioned in association with this club 60 years down the line, because no manager has managed to emulate the success of the cunt.
  17. Mitrovic is our Rocky Bilbao. All he needs is a good montage and he'll be a world beater. *edit He's probably more a Youngblood but Rocky is more famous.
  18. Eerie. Stories of child abuse are horrifying enough, yet they always seem a world away. Then something surfaces and you realise you were there. Decka was one of the older lads on the estate when I was a kid, 2 years older than me. He was in the same class as my sister, and my mother knew his mother through the Wednesday Club. He was good mates with my neighbour whose younger brother was my best mate. We used to play football just about every day at primary school, and many weekends on the moor. He was a cracking little player, arguably the best in the school, and a right character to go with it. I'm pretty sure I didn't just imagine it but he was well thought of on the estate. The kind who could get into trouble and joke his way out of it. I don't mind saying I looked up to him for a good few years. I vaguely remember the day he got picked for Newcastle Boys and the pride that emanated through the corridors of our school. I'm pretty sure we did no work that day as we all dreamed of the same. Practicing signing autographs in our jotters was probably the most any could manage. But then we all grew old and our stories went in different directions, and I never thought of him again. Until Gassa started playing for the toon, he reminded me of Decka in so many ways, and I did wonder whatever happened to him. So it kinda breaks my heart to learn what did happen, and just felt the need to express my respect for the fella.
  19. I have seen many rumours linking him to Germany, principally Hoffenheim and Dortmund, the issue being that these clubs wanted an option to buy. Though, given the time of year and the quality of the sources, these could very well be outright lies. Obviously, it would be delightful to see him in NUFC colours. I wonder if Wylan Cyprien from Nice could be more available and attainable, now that he has torn his knee. That is a player I rate extremely highly. Generally, a creative midfield player is imperative for the return to the Premiership. I have zero trust in Shelvey to perform at that level, and though I have seen very little of this season, I cannot imagine his lay was revelatory to the point this opinion should change. Are you Graham Carr?
  20. Fat Adolf Hitler He's just a fat Adolf Hitler Fat Adolf Hiiiiitler...
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