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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. See Shortstaff notched. Sutton's 1st is comical mind. https://www.skysports.com/watch/video/sports/12591025/mansfield-2-3-sutton-league-two-highlights
  2. You would think so but that scenario, whilst good for the supporters, requires investment. Considerable investment, obvs. I even think the article was about Ashley's type of ownership. Absolute minimum investment but enough to get promoted. Good crowds, support ensues. Quick season in the Prem, minimum investment, still receive canny TV revenue and get a huge parachute payment on relegation. rinse, repeat
  3. Cost us £8m to pay-off ours
  4. Did I not read somewhere the premise that, if you get it right, there's a healthy economic arguement for being a yo-yo club. Decent crowds and Premier League cash/parachute payments etc etc?
  5. Watched Super Greed (The Fight for Football) last night. Brilliant stuff but doesn't half boil one's piss. Utter cunts running clubs beyond their means with an insatiable appetite for more and more cash. Well noticed Johnson flip-flopped as per and Masters, the sly cunt.
  6. Honestly, looked like that to me
  7. Didn't watched either game but I have viewed that Felipe/Foden "clash" Fwiw I'd have sent Foden off 1st. Clearly tried to stamp/land on Felipe's leg. Could've snapped it.
  8. Half a million more people than Uruguay who've been in the World Cup 13 times, winning it twice. Free from Yugoslavia, Croatia's record is mint. Scotland's population is 1.5m more as well
  9. Did VAR not pick up the fact Rudiger scored from a corner that wasn't a corner?
  10. Seems reasonable. There'll be no major overhaul because... a) it costs a fortune and, more importantly.. b) doesn't work Given that timeline there's a huge number of that squad will stay, improve, do a job
  11. Whilst not unexpected its a bit unhelpful people slating, virtually, the whole squad. In reality, imho, there's going to be 4 signings per window. Ish. Anything else is, as I say, unrealistic but also won't work. Has to be transitional. 3-4 years.
  12. Canny thread. Exposure of people who don't understand the difference between socialism and communism. Exposure of people who appear to have violent tendencies. btw Wasn't it one of the unwashed actually did invest in a rat? Took it along to restaurants to release for a blackmail free scran?
  13. Tbf they had a cryo chamber, admittedly only used by Bain, whilst we had wheely bins and a paddling pool
  14. I agree. It's not like he raped some lass, paid her off and made her sign a NDA.
  15. Self appointed arbiter of anti-racism, relentlessly unfunny David Baddiel, bullied a black footballer after blacking up and sporting a pineapple head.
  16. Pal was a subscriber to the Times so got us tickets to their talk-in at the Tyneside Cinema with Caulkin and Rafa etc. I could listen to that bloke (Rafa) for ever. A gentleman, scholar and so eloquent. Eddie's the same. Every word considered. Bruce, like Carver, is just Mongo from Blazing Saddles
  17. Can't fault his politics either...
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