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Everything posted by Lazarus

  1. Lazarus


    Great news. When do Brazil next play? - gonna have to watch them.
  2. Kelvin Lomax? - looks fuck all like him
  3. Even now when i watch THAT Cisse goal i think its going wide
  4. Lazarus

    Elliot Anderson

    I thought Billy did well. Had a good shot on goal too. Its also interesting that hes another player new (ish) to the team who was knackered around the 60 minute mark. Howes required fitness levels are insane. Gonna be fun to see our summer signings adapt
  5. Really hope hes looking after himself properly. By the look of wrinkles on his top lip hes a 60 a day smoker. We need him fit and healthy for the next 10 years
  6. Went for Big Joe. Seems weird having a few players who could actually win it but Sir Joe of Sambashire wins it for me.
  7. Rice is outrageously good positionally. Hes ALWAYS in space and available for a pass.
  8. Who was it had the dream about the pitch being a foot under water and ducks were paddling about interfering with the play?
  9. Misses a pen then wipes a snot on the grass
  10. Maybe its the 'battered wife thanks to Ashley syndrome ' but we definately sold him yeah? Hes not gonna rock up for pre-season training or anything?
  11. Doesnt matter that he plays for England. He has to be trained in England for 3 years prior to 21st burpday which he wasnt as he was at Sporting as a bairn before coming back in late teens (i think??). It does seem a mad rule rule that someone like Dier can fall foul of the rule meant to help english players
  12. Anyway to back to the important stuff... All i can think of then I think of Aniston is that chin. Its like Jimmy Hill levels of chin-ness.
  13. Doesnt the championship have a wage ceiling?
  14. Lazarus

    Nick Pope

    I dont mind him racing out - when its within his box. When he races outside the box - then I get the heebie-jeebies. Thankfully he doesnt do it to often.
  15. Its great to see the love for Longstaff - and if I remember rightly, Matty was supposed to be the better of the two.
  16. Lazarus

    Anthony Gordon

    Im cool with Gordon tbh. Some players take a bit longer to settle into a new club and some of our own players have taken a while to adapt to Howes methods. Remember how Almiron was transformed in pre season? And Murphy took even longer.
  17. If Murphy can find himself in space Im sure Diaby could to
  18. Hernandez must be on a maim bonus like Big Joe
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