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Everything posted by Coffee_Johnny

  1. You’ll obviously be massive favourites for the win, but many of us are more confident than we’ve been (since before your take over) of getting something. Of course, we might have a bit more empathy with Aston Villa fans if you give us the kind of spanking we gave them! Similar scenario, playing a higher placed/rated team at a time you dare to hope you might have the beating of them. it should be one a hell of a spectacle either way.
  2. Or to join Harvey Barnes’ Larn yersel Geordie classes.
  3. You’re triggering PTSD in multiple oldies!
  4. I’ll expect what I like, you sanctimonious git. Like I said people have different values. For example, some people are self-centred arseholes who think the world owes them a living, and when things don’t work out, it is always somebody else’s fault. Others have a fairer approach and a better work ethic. I know nothing about Fraser’s values beyond what I see and his behaviour can lead people to assume. He is not good enough for the job he was contracted to do. He is a drain on our funds which prevents those funds being put to better use. I think he should do one. He’d likely be happier for it in the long run.
  5. We’ve each got our own values and the difference isn’t critical; such as between having enough money for the rest of your life, or not having enough money for the rest of your life. It is just robbing a living where you’re not needed or wanted vs. recouping less but actually earning a living by doing what you’re good at. Personally, I think he’d find it a lot easier to look at himself in the mirror with the latter approach to his ‘career’.
  6. They’re a bigger bunch of deviants than even Arsenal TV suggests!
  7. A case of birds of a feather flock together? Or opposites attract? ?
  8. At least they’ll play. And in all likelihood have more influence on games/be more involved than they would in previous leagues. I get needing to have financial security. I don’t get throwing away the opportunity to play competitive football.
  9. Is Ryan just sitting on his fat contract? Is he injured? Disappointing, if not shameful, given how short a playing career is, that someone would just accept money for nothing and miss out on playing out his career with pride.
  10. I’ve boycotted Greggs on principle. Bar-stewards don’t do stotties anywhere outside the North East ?‍♂️
  11. The lad needs a ‘cultural intervention’, or he could be a one season wonder. You can live very well in the North East—doesn’t look like he is making good choices!
  12. Not sure about that. Looks quite a robust chin.
  13. Personally I wouldn’t lower the tone in here by talking ‘confectionary’. Also, you can stick your chocolate up your arse I only ever eat these with my freshly brewed tankard.
  14. Makes the Tooting Popular Front look frightening.
  15. Welcome Joey! You might still win the average score award. If @Magpie doesn’t include void weeks (just leave them blank on the spreadsheet) in the average column. It’s a way to keep everyone interested if someone misses a few weeks.
  16. It’s a fair point, Chris. I’ve been out in the dark place in the past (pubs and then onto a birthday party and engagement do) and took great delight in wearing a NUFC pin badge, but I was in my twenties and similarly belligerent. Won’t dream of being unnecessarily provocative now.
  17. We have been a good side, by anyone’s reckoning since January 2022. You need two or three game changers on their game in each match to be a great side. A side that genuinely has a chance to beat anyone home or away. You know, with the newbies starting as they have, the relatively recents settled in, and some of the longer serving transformed, I think we might just have them now.
  18. Prefer to think of it as a Comanche war cry. Man’s a warrior!
  19. I feel dirty just reading that shitwipe of a paper.
  20. Spot on. Same bullshit with the Spurs demolition last season. All about their poor performance, then raving about Man City when Arsenal didn’t turn up against them. Just sit back and enjoy the squirm which is to come as we continue to improve. There will come a point when the narrative changes and they jump on the bandwagon.
  21. £££££: as answer to why we would and why they might.
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