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Dr Jinx

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Everything posted by Dr Jinx

  1. yeah he was one of the players still in the stadium when that happened and tried to get in to help. An experience like that will set you up to deal with awful situations like this. He sounds like a top lad in fairness.
  2. The point that you’re ignoring is that Mike Ashley is taking action through CAT because The PL’s rules and regulations are a rigged game as far as our objective is. There is nothing in the arbitration case which covers a financial damages claim. This is what he’s looking for equally to the objectives of clearing the way for a takeover. The document which the judge has refused the PL access to is the commercial information which sets out the financial damages claim. So I guess the most important question is, how can the PL convince a judge that his court doesn’t have jurisdiction over a financial damages claim if they don’t have access to the document which sets out that claim?
  3. Yep it’s best to stick to what we know. The PL requested the document of how Newcastle came to the figure of compensation that they are seeking. The judge denied this. They had until today to submit their evidence of why the case should be thrown out for jurisdiction reasons. They did this today. The judge will look over what will likely be a mountain of paperwork and make a decision in a couple of weeks most likely. There’s nothing new or that could be perceived as a negative, or a positive for that matter. We knew there would be a wait. If we lose this jurisdiction thing I would not be confident of any other route being successful. It’s a hugely important.
  4. It’s quite amusing how yesterday although there was no actual concrete news, the mood was generally quite positive.. 24 hours later, with no concrete news, the mood has flipped to one of negativity once again. We have to be the most schizophrenic fanbase going when it comes to football clubs ?
  5. oh it’s definitely a reason too. I think if the PL get knocked back on their jurisdiction claim they will settle. There’s no way they’ll want all this information in the public domain.
  6. That’s my take on it too. Although the thought has occurred to me that we do win the arbitration but then the club isn’t valued at the same price as before. So the CAT case is actually all about compensation to Mike Ashley, and that’s why the judge didn’t disclose the commercial document about where St James Holdings came to a specific figure. There could be up to a 100 million drop in price and he’s making sure he gets it back.
  7. It’s never going to achieve anything but that’s not really the issue. If they want to continue doing it they should by all means. A year ago it seemed to be more than the empty gesture it’s become. I agree that the internet should be regulated to a degree, in that I mean, why not have a digital passport to sign up for things? It would go a long way to stopping idiots making racist comments online, nonces would have to stop noncing, scammers would have no place to hide and people would generally have to be a little bit nicer in their interactions with others. How can that be a bad thing?
  8. In hindsight the best thing Caulkin could have done was to step back from it completely. The thing is, once (if) the takeover happens, all these people will be in its shade and will be quickly forgotten when it comes to what happens next with nufc
  9. Well as it may or may not be you, can you give us a summary of what happened at the bbc?
  10. Good lad! Even if he is poking a little fun at the club too ? wonder if Mbappe will think the cold is an issue if this takeover ever goes through
  11. The PL have to submit their case on why the CAT should be shut down. Don’t expect any news to come of this for at least a few weeks. The judge will have to look over what I presume will be a mountain of paperwork and then the club will also be able to make a case for why it should, but I don’t know what happens there. Maybe someone else can answer that?
  12. I've seen them too! Side topic question, how did you end up being a regular poster on this board? ?
  13. I’ve seen plenty of Man Utd supporters bitch and moan about him, especially the day after the Europa final. Couldn’t believe what I was seeing to be honest.
  14. Not getting the hate for OGS, more so by their own fans. They've just had a very decent season, especially how they finished it. People like Pogba looking interested again. The post Ferguson hangover was always going to be brutal for them and they slipped to be an almost unrecognisable side to what they were. It’s a long way back from that.. managers with better cv’s on paper couldn’t do it (LVG, Jose) but OGS has done well imo.. they need season on season improvements to be real challengers again. It’s small increments at this point. 2/3 good signings. The supporters are the issue here, feel absolutely entitled to be winning silverware with absolutely no cop on that they had a once in a century institution in Ferguson, who didn’t have to deal with a league that was as competitive in the early 90’s, he had time to build that up that they aren’t prepared to give to anyone else.
  15. This thread was always going to get toxic before the PL submit their evidence for the jurisdiction challenge. A big long wait with zero news getting out. That's the 11th.. God knows how long the judge will take to deliberate over that. Everything you see on here, twitter etc is just noise between now and then.
  16. The judge said that Barclays had acted deceptively and improperly but didn't award her any damages on some technicality. So she basically wasn't wrong in her case.. She just didn't have enough to nail them.
  17. It's gotten tetchy this week, I knew it would. We're a week away from things actually happening. It still doesn't help, feels like am in purgatory. Maybe I died last year of Covid and the punishment for all my sins is a never ending takeover, Ben Jacobs, Like Edwards, Caulkin and that awful Keith chap, oh and the bum chums on Wraiths show. It's fucking awful. I nearly don't want a takeover just so these prats won't claim it as their own victory. How have we allowed such a rabble to represent us? Surely there's brighter folk who could step in?
  18. I think it's a simplification to say they couldn't agree on who to test. The consortium put forward their relevant nominations who all would have flown through the test based on its normal criteria. The issue is an agenda by the PL to sort out copyright infringement, so by requesting a state to be a director (which is unprecedented) hoping that they could gain leverage. There's nowhere in their rulebook that covers this so they have acted well outside the bounds on their test. They should have disqualified PIF based on their assumptions.
  19. Voila. Also @Stifler Calvert typeface.
  20. Don't worry man, it's just a mock up. I'll see if there's a general consensus on what colours work best and I'll do a revision at some point tomorrow.
  21. Might be a bit too green but overall I don't think the round badge is as bad as terrible as had initially thought. The current one is perfectly fine though, I only wish it would be sewed into the jerseys like they were in the 90's.. The printed on one looks gash, especially arou d the ribbon part.
  22. Yeah I done it earlier. The idea of a round badge but keeping the best bits of the current one seemed interesting to attempt. The green on the seahorses is a nod to the city coat of arms.
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