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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. Well if nothing else it finally puts to bed the nonsense of this bloke ever being a manager. Completely out of his depth and let’s hope he has minimal input in any coaching set up going forward. That team selection alone shows he neither has the nouse or bottle to ever be a manager.
  2. Just think how much sweeter this will be when it starts to turn lads. This in many ways is similar to KK’s 2nd coming, but with much more time to turn it around. Convinced they’ll pull somebody out the bag we’ll all be happy with, then watch the revolution start to snowball. We’re on the brink of something special, everyone just needs to hold their nerve and back the club to hilt.
  3. They could appoint Micky Mouse and I’d still be cock a hoop where rid of Ashley and Bruce. Chill the fuck out and let them get on with it, most would have took relegation to get the takeover through a few weeks ago. They should have a free pass to do what the fuck they want for at least 2 years, let them make mistakes, the difference is they’ll learn from them and have the determination to put them right. Happy days chill out and enjoy the ride.
  4. Get a club shop opened in Durham City Centre, it’ll enrage them more than any superstar signing we could make. This is going to be great fun watching the horrible cunts suffer.
  5. Getting the Leazes singing corner reinstated and reducing level 7 family enclosure are musts to get a consistent good atmosphere back in ground. I’m all for getting the younger generation in, but the size of the family enclosure is ridiculous and does nothing for the atmosphere. With demand sure to be high from now on it’s a quick win for the new owners, both financially and getting SJP vibrant again.
  6. Man City will have encountered this same problem, it’ll settle down in time. PIF seem determined to be involved in western society so I’m sure they’ll accept this is our culture and roll with it.
  7. The Saudi’s will be embedded in the North East economy, as everyone said this deal will be transformative for region. Sure there will be controversial moments, but it’ll be an ongoing learning curve with two different cultures. The greater good is undeniable for our region and we should thank our lucky stars Staveley sold them the dream.
  8. Sounds like the source is very much blind to competition laws. As someone mentioned above we’ve been invited in just so it doesn’t look like collusion. The arrogance is unbelievable and I’m sure the club will be all over this.
  9. They’re trying to create a comfort blanket for themselves at the minute, who can blame them. Fucking hell if they found the Hall and Keegan days difficult, this is going to be 10 times worse for them. Everyone hates us. I think we can cope with that lads when we know what’s coming our way.
  10. If Overmars does come I would think there’s every chance ten Hag would follow in summer.
  11. Life was so much easier when it was just Bruce and Charnley. Finding it hard to embrace all this change
  12. I would say this is the most likely state of play with Caulkin being close to them. Think we may see more links to ten Hag, Howe and Gerrard this week. If I we’re a betting man I’d say it’s one of these 3, I expect Fonseca to drift in the betting not convinced they’re all in on him. In response to a question about Paulo Fonseca on an Athletic post-match Q&A, Caulkin made it clear that PIF are yet to make a decision on Steve Bruce’s replacement. He wrote: “I was told last night that things aren’t as advanced as that and that no formal decisions have been taken. I think there’s still a way to go in this process and more people to speak to.”
  13. The idea of Overmars has really started to grow on me and feels a good fit. Unlike Campos and others mentioned he has PL experience and the Ajax model with serious cash behind it would be something else. If we could get him and Ten Hag it would be an absolute coup and send out a major message.
  14. It’s not ridiculous they can protest all they like, but where fully entitled to point out the hypocrisy of it aswell. The simple fact remains if we’d been taken over by a tyrant who had no money, would all these fans be so concerned ? I’m sure you’ll tell me yes, but to the majority of the fan base it comes across as hypocrisy and faux outrage.
  15. Yeah, not convinced it’s Fonseca at all and if Lampard has ruled himself out, it’s only because he knows he’s not in running. They’re all guessing and I’m happy to wait we’re in very safe hands. I think the due diligence they’re undertaking here will be on another level.
  16. By all accounts it was according to the Athletic earlier in week. The fox is in the hen house now, it’s to late lads.
  17. Agree, this would have been a good appointment in the summer when personnel and tactics could have been changed. Not opposed to him as he would have been beyond our wildest dreams 2 weeks ago, however this really is a tough appointment in our position. Is he the best fit at this moment, I’m unsure and glad they appear to be interviewing candidates.
  18. Was brilliant and certainly made the occasion special. I’m sure the new owners enjoyed it to judging by their faces beforehand.
  19. Just back in the house what a great day apart from the match. The atmosphere in town and outside the ground before was on another level. Having never seen Wor Flags in the flesh, have to say it was spine tingling with big river playing. Hats off to @Heronand his pals it was worth all your efforts. Walking up under the Milburn before the game haven’t heard noise like that in a long time sent shivers, was a couple of Spurs fans in front of us and they we’re visibly in awe at was going on. Have to say though after 10 mins it fell flat though as @Fantail Breeze has mentioned, understandably perhaps due to the shit show on the pitch. This club is very special today confirmed that, I don’t think a city stops like ours does on match days. Will I get a season ticket again I really don’t know, I enjoyed it but i’m fucking drained. Today was about the new owners but the product on the pitch is everything, especially in the modern day with a new breed of fan. I certainly think a singing section like we had in level 7 previously would be great if brought back. The Gallowagte seems to create all the noise and to ensure a great atmosphere going forward, I think they should shrink the family enclosure and get that singing section next to the away fans back again. What a club and when they get this right it’ll be frightening.
  20. Wonder what the 2nd game is this weekend, helicopter trip with Barnes in the morning ? Hope he gets a great welcome from everyone.
  21. Great to see the new ownership enjoying the sights. Fucking can’t wait for tomorrow. We still have a shit manager, run down stadium and dated training ground, but the cause of all that is gone now. What a fucking future awaits, it’s going to be emotional tomorrow and if the rest of the country hates us so be it. Fuck them Newcastle are back hello hello
  22. Brilliant from the the new owners.
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