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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. Absolute self interest they couldn’t give a fuck about fit and proper, I mean Levy has some cheek when his puppet master Joe Lewis is facing prison time. They can whinge all they like no U.K. govt is telling PIF they can’t own a British business unless there’s a dramatic breakdown in a relationship spanning decades with the Saudis.
  2. What a surprise never mind the fact these leading clubs tried to destroy domestic football. Utterly desperate, transparent and doomed to failure from the usual suspects. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2023/sep/07/premier-league-clubs-call-to-block-nation-state-ownership
  3. Created a nice little job for themselves wonder who’s idea this was.
  4. Starts on Tyneside and finishes on Tyneside, boycott the fucker if you don’t like it.
  5. Sounds like Milan carry out ID checks on their own esteem, but the following sounds like the cunts trick at every away game so far this season, with the exception of this time they’re not giving you a dodgy ticket and telling you in advance you’ll need to collect it. I’d hesitate to guess that none of their corporate clients will be inconvenienced by this arrangement. At random, a small number of fans will be notified in advance of the game and asked to collect their ticket, with ID, from a location as convenient as possible (this will be confirmed in due course).
  6. That’s to simple our ticket office will make a right fucking pigs ear of it.
  7. It’s spot on and the club need to be put under pressure now from all angles. Absolutely unacceptable and would hope the NUST, NUSC and FSA can get an audience with someone from the club urgently. My only fear is they’ll go even more draconian and put the blame squarely on fans for buying tickets for the loyalty point. The top and bottom is they’ve tried to crack a nut with a hammer due to imbeciles on Twitter and other areas of the support who’ve never been to an away game in their life now crying foul. There is also possibly an issue here where corporates are getting tickets and just not using them, or the club are to late/lazy to put them on sale. Whatever the issues they need addressing as empty seats is unacceptable when other supporters would happily snap them up.
  8. They had to lower the age of the squad that is undeniable, the question is have they got value for money going for young British players like Hall, Barnes, Gordon and Livramento. Time will tell but they’ve spent nigh on 150 million on those 4 players. Apart from Tonali I feel there’s been a marked shift in the last 2 transfer windows, which compares similarly to the route Howe went with Bournemouth. I was a little uncomfortable when Andy Howe became part of the transfer committee, never sure that’s a good idea. Individually apart from Barnes I’m happy with all the signings ability wise, not sure we’ve got the strategy right this summer though.
  9. That Ferguson today looked like a real number 9 proper handful.
  10. Got a feeling they held their ballot didn’t shift all the tickets, maybe had some corporate ones returned and for whatever reason they have no current policy/will to put on sale to members. If that’s the case the membership scheme really is a joke if they can’t be bothered to offer unsold away tickets to members. Also worth noting the club get charged for unsold away tickets if that was the case here.
  11. I think a double pivot of Bruno and Tonali in a 4-2-3-1 could be a good shout.
  12. For the first time his thinking doesn’t look clear team wise and think it’s showing through on the pitch. The ease in which teams are getting at our back 4 is a major problem and we look pedestrian and predictable in attack. Needs some tweaks notably to the midfield and wide forward areas for me.
  13. Was it confirmed that all tickets for Brighton were sold in the ballot, did anyone report not getting one ? Is there a possibility it was undersubscribed and they just never arsed themselves selling the remaining ones to members ? The trust need to start putting some pressure on the clubs ticketing policy it’s a complete shower at the minute.
  14. He was class when he came on at Chelsea honestly don’t think he would look out of his depth.
  15. If Joelinton is out I’d love to see Miley anchor the midfield with Bruno and Tonali. It’ll be Longstaff no doubt but think Miley looks so good on the ball we’d be dominant in possession.
  16. Feels like a big game this, everyone talking about the CL but this is the bread and butter. Last weeks loss will have hurt psychologically, it’s important we get some momentum in the league before CL games kick in.
  17. I would put this in the twitter thread but it’s deadline day where done and DigBick should be considered a tier one source.
  18. Sure it’s been mentioned but Arsenal’s deal with Adidas was announced months in advance also.
  19. Best part of this and massive area for growth. A vital element of this new agreement will see Newcastle United rebuilding its own retail operations both in store and online, locally and globally, with further information to follow during the course of this season.
  20. The only thing that makes me doubt that is Howe’s preference for inverted wingers, does he see Gordon as two footed and able to play on right, time will tell. If not then Barnes is the signing with a question mark against it for me.
  21. It was painful no question but key is how we bounce back. Have we had 3 defeats on the bounce under Howe even when he first arrived ?
  22. The only criticism there can be if any this summer is that we’ve signed 3 players, who don’t at first glance seem a shoe in for the 1st team. They’ve clearly prioritised bringing the age down and strengthening squad. We possibly will pay for that this season but Rome wasn’t built in a day.
  23. Almost like they arranged that sunrise this morning poetic.
  24. Sensible would hate to see us rush out and sign a useless cunt like Maguire. Think we have our top targets like Tapsoba and Silva and we’ll be working on them over coming months.
  25. Always feels like that when other clubs are doing business, a lot of it looks panicked to me though.
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