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Everything posted by Holmesy

  1. Conversely, so can being a total cunt judging by some of our managers
  2. I have no doubt he was a great pro and a really nice lad, how else would he have got in and stayed in the team?! He always came across well, but he was about as far from a PL CB as i've seen anywhere. Seeing his name on the team sheet week after week was one of the most depressing sights i've witnessed as a fan of this club because you knew we were going to concede - it was an absolute given. We've had some shit at the back but Taylor, Boumsong, Bramble etc. all had far more ability than Williamson for me. Glad to hear he's doing well and enjoyed his time here though
  3. Mike Williamson sends his regards
  4. Considering some of the shite Puma have given us over the years I’m happy with Castore - their sportswear looks class! If they can bring that style to their footy kits we might actually have a top we’d be happy to wear, for the first time in what, 5 years?
  5. Holmesy

    Joe Willock

    Sunday League Steve
  6. Holmesy

    Emil Krafth

    You forgot ‘tall for a fullback’, the most important criteria
  7. Ritchie and Murphy come into the side and make a huge difference. Who knew eh?!
  8. Holmesy

    Emil Krafth

    There is no argument that can be made for this guy being in the team, none! He consistently costs us goals, he’s one of the worst one-on-one defenders I’ve ever seen and we have other options. I can only assume Bruce is picking him because he’s tall or something else basic as fuck like that. stick him in the bin and leave him there ffs!
  9. That mistake was nowt to do with him being a fullback playing out of position, it was down to him being a generally shit footballer
  10. Because according to their baffling rules he is. If only there was a thick and incompetent test alongside it.
  11. Why the fuck not?! What have you possibly seen that gives you confidence he can keep us up FFS?! We won’t win another game this season and our run in is wretched. On every level it’s the wrong decision to keep him - business, football, human
  12. Stick with Bruce and it’s an admission by Ashley and Charnley that they don’t care if we go down, because it’s a nailed on certainty.
  13. Worse than John Carver, comfortably
  14. This is embarrassing! If we’re just going to hoof the ball up it would’ve made more sense to play Carrol
  15. We didn't sack Rafa, we just let him walk away.....not sure which one is worst How often do clubs let managers' contracts expire to go to other domestic clubs? Never. Literally, never. The only time a contract for a manager has wound down for them to then exit has been retirement. Wenger, Ferguson and to a lesser extend Gradi (who kept dipping back in from a technical director position at Crewe) are the only ones I can think of domestically. I don't think this aberration of a decision (to not comply with Rafa's request for club funds to be spent as he directed and thus renew his contract) got enough coverage at the time and is the single most damning indictment of the whole Ashley tenure imo, and that includes the Keegan tribunal, the ghosting of Shearer post relegation and the Joelinton signing. It didn't get enough coverage because other than Newcastle supporters, no one else cared so it wouldn't have generated enough clicks and ad revenue for the media. It's much more profitable to start a row between fans by antagonising them with inflammatory, condescending comments than to cover events that are so baffling that in any other industry they'd be subject to investigation.
  16. The contrast in competence and ability between the two is frightening. Sacking a world class manager and binning off a proven PL striker to bring in Steve Bruce and an untried £40m non-striker is baffling in anyone’s book
  17. Sean and Matty could both be doing a job for us right now and I reckon Ritchie could as well - more assist and goal threat than anyone else in the team last night. All victims of Bruce’s pettiness and fragile ego.
  18. Holmesy

    Jacob Murphy

    When the sum total of our attacking threat is zero, we’ve got nothing to lose starting him
  19. Holmesy

    Jacob Murphy

    Has to start, simple as. Gayle, Joelinton and Fraser starting ahead of him highlights Bruce’s stupidity, as if it needed highlighting any more.
  20. Holmesy


    It’s off to the glue factory for you dobbin
  21. I know Bruce hates him now because he’s a petty cunt, but surely Matt Ritchie’s mediocre goal threat would be worth a try over this garbage!
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