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Everything posted by RobsonsWonderland

  1. It's more the drop off from the Purple patch to the norm... I know confidence is a massive thing in football and he must have felt amazing during that period but surely he must know the only way for that to continue was to repeat the process. I can't remember him cutting in from 30 yards out and shooting last season.. more running as far as he could then passing back. Maybe his injury was part of the mental process and he was scared to fully use his pace.
  2. 1999... Loved it then, love the new strip now
  3. So we could look to save a Bobb or two in the long run...
  4. Can we not just have another thread for Chelsea's transfers... On a positive note they may run out players to buy before they run out of ways to get around the system. Christ maybe that is their goal buy everyone and just leave us with Miggy
  5. Ironically the football soccerdome on the otherside was bought and run down by Mike Ashley. Bigger space but I can't imagine he would sell it to Newcastle lol
  6. So does that now mean Rosenberg are now world champions after beating you 1.0 last week?
  7. This place is stressing me out. One minute I feel like a marquee then the next a wigwam. I think I'm two-tents
  8. Ryan Giggs Ryan Giggs Brother Ryan Giggs Brothers Wife
  9. Sky are now going down the road of Southgate being hard done by and the personal attacks by fans and ex pros being too much. I'm confused at why people can't want or ask for more.. you should always be pushing for that next step no matter how close you get. We will never know what a more positive approach would have made to the finals / semi final defeats but I just felt I would prefer to go out on my sword rather than a whimper
  10. Just had shivers... Couldn't cope with Southgate here, please don't go Eddie !
  11. I do think Howe likes time to embed his players into his tactics and philosophy Would he get the same buzz as a manager 8 times a year
  12. Can England get a better English candidate.. no Can Newcastle get a better manager.. yes Ideally if it falls that way then it could be a win, win situation for us
  13. Best outcome for everyone.. it would only get harder for him
  14. We could do with some good news by the end of the week... The build blocks are in place but we need that little boost to settle everyone's nerves.
  15. Add to the fact there are only 55 national teams in Europe then even 24 is diluting the quality. Saying that I would rather go 8 groups of 4 and at least make it only two teams to go through. At least teams would have to then try in the group stage and not just hope for one win to get through
  16. Wonder if he was ever tempted to try the front 6 everyone else wanted or was in such a mindset that it was the last thing he would ever do. Gordon Kane. Saka/palmer foden. Bellingham Rice I can't even remember if he has even tried the three in the middle before?
  17. He also said you needed legs around him i.e. Gordon and Palmer.. the fact we didn't try this at least once is criminal. Even if it was to allow kane to find them like he used to find Son at spurs
  18. I still stick by the fact he was scared the second string would perform and the press would pile on him. Imagine if we had started Gordon, Palmer, Watkins in the third group game and they had won 2, 3 nil. The pressure from the press to drop Kane etc would have been too much for him
  19. Do you pick the best 11 players and fit a system around them or pick your system and get the best players to fit that? I think Southgate got lost between the two. So many players out of position or playing a different way to their natural strengths. When you see how well the lower teams cope by just playing as a team, you do wonder how we make it so difficult to at least achieve that.
  20. I agree.. seemed very negative since the world cup. I don't think he ever got over getting booed after the Hungray 4.0 loss and fans and critics questioning his selections. Tried to create an us against the world mentally this camp and I think it backfired
  21. In a time of 5 subs.. we could have went hard for 50 60 mins and rotated the forward line in each and every game.
  22. On another note.. everyone will be back supporting their clubs next month and raving over the next wonder kid from Australia or Ghana and not worry about how we have no English left backs etx
  23. Perez in his trainers lol But 5 current and ex Newcastle players in a euro final. Wonder if there was any transfer clauses that we would get some money from lol
  24. Maybe if they were starters and not subs he wouldn't get as much flak
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