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Steve McClaren


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McLarnon needs to deliver strong words, home truths and tough decisions but I think he's too weak to do any of that.

He talks a lot about showing trust in the players and creating a positive atmosphere so he won't want to risk creating animosity.


Colo needs dropping and stripping of the captaincy.

Janmaat needs dropping

Sissoko needs dropping

Tiote needs to be put down

Dummett needs to be moved to CB or benched.


Bring in lads who would relish a first team opportunity and stop pandering to 'established' first team players who aren't pulling their weight.




this. he's done it once with mbabu and it paid off for him.

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I think he'll go safety first (again) at Palace personally, maybe one shit change like dropping Mitrovic or Perez but nothing like it should be.


If it goes tits up down there then unless he drops half the team he needs painting fucking yellow and chased over the Tyne Bridge.

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Can't think of much less threatening than Schteve Mc having a go at you


You've clearly forgotten the Glenn Roeder years then. The only manager in Newcastle's history who had to put his hand up to ask permission before giving a team talk.

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McLarnon needs to deliver strong words, home truths and tough decisions but I think he's too weak to do any of that.

He talks a lot about showing trust in the players and creating a positive atmosphere so he won't want to risk creating animosity.


Colo needs dropping and stripping of the captaincy.

Janmaat needs dropping

Sissoko needs dropping

Tiote needs to be put down

Dummett needs to be moved to CB or benched.


Bring in lads who would relish a first team opportunity and stop pandering to 'established' first team players who aren't pulling their weight.




All sounds very good but in actuality - leaves us playing fresh air at right back and Gouffran in central midfield

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McLarnon needs to deliver strong words, home truths and tough decisions but I think he's too weak to do any of that.

He talks a lot about showing trust in the players and creating a positive atmosphere so he won't want to risk creating animosity.


Colo needs dropping and stripping of the captaincy.

Janmaat needs dropping

Sissoko needs dropping

Tiote needs to be put down

Dummett needs to be moved to CB or benched.


Bring in lads who would relish a first team opportunity and stop pandering to 'established' first team players who aren't pulling their weight.




All sounds very good but in actuality - leaves us playing fresh air at right back and Gouffran in central midfield


Fair enough on the right back situation, but a midfield of Anita/Colback, Wijnaldum, De Jong, Thauvin and Perez, on paper offers a lot more threat than Tiote, Sissoko, Anita, Wijnaldum.

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All it offers is uncertainty and thus hope. On paper Thauvin is a waste of £13m wannabe #10 & De Jong someone that's struggled with injuries.


I'd rather take the risk with those two than persevere with a lineup completely devoid of creativity and invention, that has proven time after time to be completely ineffective. There is complete certainty in continuing with the same line up, the certainty that we won't win any games.  I'd happily take uncertainty over that option.



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Good on him if true. Glad Coloccini in particular has been singled out especially as he's likely still the highest earner at the club and an absolute embarassment to the title 'NUFC captain', the useless stupid-haired f***er.

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Guest reefatoon

Will he though?  I have a feeling McClaren is just as big a bottler as the players and will pick the exact same bunch of useless twats and play the exact same formation.

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Will he though?  I have a feeling McClaren is just as big a bottler as the players and will pick the exact same bunch of useless t***s and play the exact same formation.


I have exactly the same feeling. I also suspect Mr Mclarnon has very small testicles indeed.

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He has to mix it up a bit now, how can he expect to motivate players by just trotting out the same team every week and taking a bumming? Something has to change.


Agreed. It's all well and good having rows with your players but if you don't have the balls to drop them then the words start to ring hollow. If Colo's not doing the business then get Lascelles or Dummett in there and show you mean business.

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He has to mix it up a bit now, how can he expect to motivate players by just trotting out the same team every week and taking a bumming? Something has to change.


Agreed. It's all well and good having rows with your players but if you don't have the balls to drop them then the words start to ring hollow. If Colo's not doing the business then get Lascelles or Dummett in there and show you mean business.


For a while I could understand (and I thought too) that it was just a matter of time before McClaren had us keeping the ball better and everything would click into place. But I think it's pretty clear now that a few heads have dropped and that's not going to happen. Sometimes you just need to make a couple of changes, even if the alternative players are worse on paper.

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Good on him if true. Glad Coloccini in particular has been singled out especially as he's likely still the highest earner at the club and an absolute embarassment to the title 'NUFC captain', the useless stupid-haired f***er.



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